该宏将使用SOLIDWORKS API根据指定自定义属性的值重命名所有图纸工作表。
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- 打开图纸并运行宏
- 指定要读取值的属性
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- 所有工作表将根据此属性的值进行重命名。宏将从工作表属性中指定的模型视图中获取该值。 不支持“与文档属性中指定的工作表相同”的选项。 如果选择了此选项,则将使用第一个视图的属性。 宏将尝试读取配置特定属性,如果未指定属性,则读取模型级属性。
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Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swDraw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc
Sub main()
Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
Set swDraw = swApp.ActiveDoc
If swDraw Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "请打开图纸"
End If
Dim prpName As String
prpName = InputBox("请指定要从中获取值的自定义属性名称")
Dim vSheetNames As Variant
vSheetNames = swDraw.GetSheetNames
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To UBound(vSheetNames)
Dim swSheet As SldWorks.Sheet
Set swSheet = swDraw.Sheet(vSheetNames(i))
Dim custPrpViewName As String
custPrpViewName = swSheet.CustomPropertyView
Dim vViews As Variant
vViews = swSheet.GetViews()
Dim swCustPrpView As SldWorks.View
Set swCustPrpView = Nothing
Dim j As Integer
For j = 0 To UBound(vViews)
Dim swView As SldWorks.View
Set swView = vViews(j)
If LCase(swView.Name) = LCase(custPrpViewName) Then
Set swCustPrpView = swView
Exit For
End If
If swCustPrpView Is Nothing Then
Set swCustPrpView = vViews(0)
End If
If Not swCustPrpView Is Nothing Then
Dim swRefConfName As String
Dim swRefDoc As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
swRefConfName = swCustPrpView.ReferencedConfiguration
Set swRefDoc = swCustPrpView.ReferencedDocument
If Not swRefDoc Is Nothing Then
Dim prpValue As String
prpValue = GetCustomPropertyValue(swRefDoc, swRefConfName, prpName)
If prpValue <> "" Then
swSheet.SetName (prpValue)
End If
MsgBox "无法从绘图视图中获取模型。请确保绘图不是轻量级的"
End If
MsgBox "无法获取要获取属性的视图"
End If
End Sub
Function GetCustomPropertyValue(model as SldWorks.ModelDoc2, confName as String, prpName As String) As String
Dim prpValue As String
model.Extension.CustomPropertyManager(confName).Get3 prpName, False, "", prpValue
If prpValue = "" Then
model.Extension.CustomPropertyManager("").Get3 prpName, False, "", prpValue
End If
GetCustomPropertyValue = prpValue
End Function