

SolidWorks API.

📄️ Handle custom properties modification events (add, delete, change) using SOLIDWORKS API

SOLIDWORKS API provides notifications to handle the custom properties modifications (such as add, delete or change). These events (AddCustomPropertyNotify, DeleteCustomPropertyNotify, ChangeCustomPropertyNotify) are raised for parts, assemblies and drawings and support general and configuration specific custom properties. However since SOLIDWORKS 2018 these events are no longer raised for the custom properties modified by the user in the user interface and only support custom properties modified from SOLIDWORKS API.

📄️ SOLIDWORKS API中的方法和属性命名

SOLIDWORKS API(以及SOLIDWORKS本身)都是向后兼容的,这意味着旧版本的API与新版本的SOLIDWORKS兼容。这意味着在发布新版本时,不应更改API方法的签名和行为。为此,SOLIDWORKS引入了方法和接口名称的修订系统。每当API的新版本可用时,它将作为MethodName Last Revision + 1添加到类图中。例如,ISldWorks::OpenDoc5方法的较新版本。而IModelDoc2是IModelDoc接口的较新(当前)版本。