

Drawings with multiple sheets{ width=800 }

This VBA macro will copy the active sheet and propagate referenced configurations to each copy.

Macro will automatically set the referenced configuration on each new sheet and rename the sheet based on the configuration name.

As the result drawing will contain sheets for all the configurations of the multi-body part or assembly.


Macro can be configured by changing the constant values of the macro

Const TOP_LEVEL_CONFIGS_ONLY As Boolean = False 'True to only process top level configurations, False to process children configurations
Const USE_CORRESPONDING_FLAT_PATTERN_CONF As Boolean = True 'True to find the corresponding SM-FLAT-PATTERN configuration for the flat pattern view, False to use configuration As Is
Const GENERATE_MISSING_FLAT_PATTERN_CONF As Boolean = True 'True to automatically create new SM-FLAT-PATTERN configuration if not exist, False to use configuration As Is


  • Macro will skip processing system configurations (e.g. weldment As Welded and As Machined, Sheet Metal flat pattern configurations and speedpak configurations)
  • Macro will not create another sheet for the same configuration which is used in the default (first) view of the sheet (template sheet)

Sheet Metal Flat Patterns

When drawing view of the flat pattern is created from the user interface new special configuration is automatically added (SM-FLAT-PATTERN). This configuration will be set as the referenced configuration. When assigning the referenced view via SOLIDWORKS API it is possible to force assign the standard configuration to a flat pattern view and this will result in incorrect display. User will need to manually recheck the Flat Pattern toggle or reset the referenced configuration. USE_CORRESPONDING_FLAT_PATTERN_CONF option of the macro allows to find the flat pattern configuration (if exist) and use it for the flat pattern view. If not found, flat pattern view can be automatically created by setting the GENERATE_MISSING_FLAT_PATTERN_CONF option of the macro.

Const TOP_LEVEL_CONFIGS_ONLY As Boolean = False

Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks

Sub main()

Set swApp = Application.SldWorks

Dim swDraw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc

Set swDraw = swApp.ActiveDoc

If Not swDraw Is Nothing Then

Dim swSheet As SldWorks.sheet
Set swSheet = swDraw.GetCurrentSheet

Dim swDefView As SldWorks.view
Set swDefView = GetDefaultView(swDraw, swSheet)

If Not swDefView Is Nothing Then

Dim swRefDoc As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Set swRefDoc = swDefView.ReferencedDocument

If Not swRefDoc Is Nothing Then

ValidateSheet swSheet, swRefDoc

Dim vConfNames As Variant
vConfNames = GetConfigurations(swRefDoc)

Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To UBound(vConfNames)

Dim confName As String
confName = CStr(vConfNames(i))

If LCase(GetActualReferencedConfiguration(swDefView)) <> LCase(confName) Then
CopySheetWithConfiguration swDraw, swSheet, confName
End If


Err.Raise vbError, "", "Default view does not have referenced document"
End If

Err.Raise vbError, "", "Default view is not found"
End If

Err.Raise vbError, "", "Open drawing"
End If

End Sub

Function GetConfigurations(refDoc As SldWorks.ModelDoc2) As Variant

Dim confNames() As String

Dim vConfNames As Variant
vConfNames = refDoc.GetConfigurationNames

Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To UBound(vConfNames)

Dim confName As String
confName = CStr(vConfNames(i))

Dim swConf As SldWorks.Configuration
Set swConf = refDoc.GetConfigurationByName(confName)

If (Not TOP_LEVEL_CONFIGS_ONLY Or swConf.GetParent() Is Nothing) And swConf.Type = swConfigurationType_e.swConfiguration_Standard Then

If (Not confNames) = -1 Then
ReDim confNames(0)
ReDim Preserve confNames(UBound(confNames) + 1)
End If

confNames(UBound(confNames)) = confName

End If


GetConfigurations = confNames

End Function

Function GetActualReferencedConfiguration(view As SldWorks.view) As String

Dim refConfName As String
refConfName = view.ReferencedConfiguration

Dim swConf As SldWorks.Configuration

Set swConf = view.ReferencedDocument.GetConfigurationByName(refConfName)

If swConf.Type <> swConfigurationType_e.swConfiguration_Standard Then
Set swConf = swConf.GetParent
End If

GetActualReferencedConfiguration = swConf.Name

End Function

Function GetDefaultView(draw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc, sheet As SldWorks.sheet) As SldWorks.view

Dim vViews As Variant

vViews = GetSheetViews(draw, sheet)

If Not IsEmpty(vViews) Then

Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To UBound(vViews)

Dim swView As SldWorks.view
Set swView = vViews(i)

If UCase(swView.Name) = UCase(sheet.CustomPropertyView) Then
Set GetDefaultView = swView
Exit Function
End If


Set GetDefaultView = vViews(0) 'use first one
Set GetDefaultView = Nothing
End If

End Function

Sub ValidateSheet(sheet As SldWorks.sheet, refDoc As SldWorks.ModelDoc2)

Dim vViews As Variant
vViews = sheet.GetViews

Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To UBound(vViews)

Dim swView As SldWorks.view
Set swView = vViews(i)

If Not swView.ReferencedDocument Is refDoc Then
Err.Raise vbError, "", "Different models are referenced in " & sheet.GetName
End If


End Sub

Sub CopySheetWithConfiguration(draw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc, sheet As SldWorks.sheet, baseConfName As String)

Const MAX_PASTE_ATEMPTS As Integer = 3

If False <> draw.Extension.SelectByID2(sheet.GetName(), "SHEET", 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0) Then


If TryPasteSheet(draw, MAX_PASTE_ATEMPTS) Then

Dim swNewSheet As SldWorks.sheet
Set swNewSheet = draw.sheet(draw.GetSheetNames()(draw.GetSheetCount() - 1))

Dim vViews As Variant
vViews = GetSheetViews(draw, swNewSheet)

Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To UBound(vViews)

Dim swView As SldWorks.view
Set swView = vViews(i)

Dim confName As String

If False <> swView.IsFlatPatternView() And USE_CORRESPONDING_FLAT_PATTERN_CONF Then
confName = GetFlatPatternConfiguration(draw, swView.ReferencedDocument, baseConfName, GENERATE_MISSING_FLAT_PATTERN_CONF)
confName = baseConfName
End If

swView.ReferencedConfiguration = confName

RefreshView draw, swView


swNewSheet.SetName baseConfName

Err.Raise vbError, "", "Failed to paste sheet"
End If
Err.Raise vbError, "", "Failed to select sheet"
End If

End Sub

Function TryPasteSheet(draw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc, attempts As Integer) As Boolean

Dim curAttemp As Integer
curAttemp = 1

'It was observed than in some cases first atempt to paste sheet fails
While False = draw.PasteSheet(swInsertOptions_e.swInsertOption_MoveToEnd, swRenameOptions_e.swRenameOption_Yes)

Debug.Print "Failed to paste a sheet on atttempt: " & curAttemp

If curAttemp >= attempts Then
TryPasteSheet = False
Exit Function
End If

curAttemp = curAttemp + 1


TryPasteSheet = True

End Function

'In some cases new configuration of view is not updated until refreshed
Sub RefreshView(draw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc, swView As SldWorks.view)

If SelectDrawingView(draw, swView) Then


If SelectDrawingView(draw, swView) Then
End If

End If

End Sub

Function GetFlatPatternConfiguration(draw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc, refDoc As SldWorks.ModelDoc2, baseConfName As String, allowCreateIfNotExist As Boolean) As String

Dim swConf As SldWorks.Configuration
Set swConf = refDoc.GetConfigurationByName(baseConfName)

If swConf.Type <> swConfigurationType_e.swConfiguration_SheetMetal Then

Dim vChildrenConfs As Variant

vChildrenConfs = swConf.GetChildren()

Dim i As Integer

If Not IsEmpty(vChildrenConfs) Then

For i = 0 To UBound(vChildrenConfs)

Dim swChildConf As SldWorks.Configuration
Set swChildConf = vChildrenConfs(i)

If swChildConf.Type = swConfigurationType_e.swConfiguration_SheetMetal Then
Debug.Print "Using flat pattern configuration " & swChildConf.Name & " for the " & baseConfName
GetFlatPatternConfiguration = swChildConf.Name
Exit Function
End If


End If

If allowCreateIfNotExist Then
Debug.Print "Creating flat pattern configuration for " & baseConfName
GetFlatPatternConfiguration = CreateFlatPatternConfiguration(draw, refDoc, baseConfName)
Debug.Print "Flat pattern configuration is not found for " & baseConfName
GetFlatPatternConfiguration = baseConfName
End If
GetFlatPatternConfiguration = baseConfName
End If

End Function

Function CreateFlatPatternConfiguration(draw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc, refDoc As SldWorks.ModelDoc2, baseConfName As String) As String

Dim swFlatPatternView As SldWorks.view
Set swFlatPatternView = draw.CreateFlatPatternViewFromModelView3(refDoc.GetPathName(), baseConfName, 0, 0, 0, True, False)

If Not swFlatPatternView Is Nothing Then
CreateFlatPatternConfiguration = swFlatPatternView.ReferencedConfiguration

If SelectDrawingView(draw, swFlatPatternView) Then
If False = draw.Extension.DeleteSelection2(swDeleteSelectionOptions_e.swDelete_Absorbed) Then
Err.Raise vbError, "", "Failed to delete temp view"
End If
Err.Raise vbError, "", "Failed to select temp view for deletion"
End If

Err.Raise vbError, "", "Failed to create temp flat pattern view for " & refDoc.GetPathName() & " (" & baseConfName & ")"
End If

End Function

Function SelectDrawingView(draw As SldWorks.ModelDoc2, view As SldWorks.view) As Boolean
SelectDrawingView = False <> draw.Extension.SelectByID2(view.Name, "DRAWINGVIEW", 0, 0, 0, False, -1, Nothing, swSelectOption_e.swSelectOptionDefault)
End Function

Function GetSheetViews(draw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc, sheet As SldWorks.sheet) As Variant

'ISheet::GetViews also returns views from the view palette

Dim vSheets As Variant

vSheets = draw.GetViews

Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To UBound(vSheets)

Dim vViews As Variant
vViews = vSheets(i)

Dim swSheetView As SldWorks.view
Set swSheetView = vViews(0)

If swSheetView.GetName2() = sheet.GetName() Then

If UBound(vViews) > 0 Then

Dim swViews() As SldWorks.view
ReDim swViews(UBound(vViews) - 1)

Dim j As Integer

For j = 0 To UBound(swViews)
Set swViews(j) = vViews(j + 1)

GetSheetViews = swViews
Exit Function

Err.Raise vbError, "", "No drawing view found in " & sheet.GetName
End If

End If


Err.Raise vbError, "", "Failed to get drawing views from " & sheet.GetName

End Function