
使用SOLIDWORKS API批量添加组件并将其定位在网格中

Components inserted into 2 x 2 x 2 grid{ width=250 }

此示例演示了使用SOLIDWORKS API将一批组件高效地插入装配体并自动将它们定位在3D网格中的方法。

使用SOLIDWORKS API方法IAssemblyDoc::AddComponents3来插入组件。该方法允许预先分配要插入的组件的变换。


Const ROWS_COUNT As Integer = 2 '每行(与X轴平行)的最大组件数
Const COLUMNS_COUNT As Integer = 2 '每列(与Y轴平行)的最大组件数
Const DISTANCE As Double = 0.1 '行、列和层之间的距离


Dim compsPaths(N) As String

compsPaths(0) = "部件或装配体的完整路径"
compsPaths(1) = "部件或装配体的完整路径"
compsPaths(N) = "部件或装配体的完整路径"
Const ROWS_COUNT As Integer = 2
Const COLUMNS_COUNT As Integer = 2
Const DISTANCE As Double = 0.1

Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks

Sub main()

Set swApp = Application.SldWorks

Dim compsPaths(7) As String

compsPaths(0) = "D:\models\box1.sldprt"
compsPaths(1) = "D:\models\box2.sldprt"
compsPaths(2) = "D:\models\box3.sldprt"
compsPaths(3) = "D:\models\box1.sldprt"
compsPaths(4) = "D:\models\box1.sldprt"
compsPaths(5) = "D:\models\box2.sldprt"
compsPaths(6) = "D:\models\box3.sldprt"
compsPaths(7) = "D:\models\box1.sldprt"

Dim swAssy As SldWorks.AssemblyDoc

Set swAssy = swApp.ActiveDoc

If Not swAssy Is Nothing Then
InsertComponents swAssy, compsPaths, ROWS_COUNT, COLUMNS_COUNT, DISTANCE
MsgBox "请打开装配体"
End If

End Sub

Sub InsertComponents(assy As SldWorks.AssemblyDoc, vPaths As Variant, rows As Integer, columns As Integer, dist As Double)

Dim transforms() As Double
ReDim transforms((UBound(vPaths) + 1) * 16 - 1)

Dim coordSys() As String
ReDim coordSys(UBound(vPaths))

Dim level As Integer
Dim row As Integer
Dim column As Integer

Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To UBound(vPaths)

If row = rows Then

row = 0
column = column + 1

If column = columns Then
column = 0
level = level + 1
End If

End If

Dim vTransform As Variant
vTransform = ComposeTransform(row * dist, column * dist, level * dist)

Dim j As Integer

For j = 0 To UBound(vTransform)
transforms(i * (UBound(vTransform) + 1) + j) = vTransform(j)

row = row + 1


assy.AddComponents3 vPaths, transforms, coordSys

End Sub

Function ComposeTransform(x As Double, y As Double, z As Double) As Variant

Dim dMatrix(15) As Double
dMatrix(0) = 1: dMatrix(1) = 0: dMatrix(2) = 0: dMatrix(3) = 0
dMatrix(4) = 1: dMatrix(5) = 0: dMatrix(6) = 0: dMatrix(7) = 0
dMatrix(8) = 1: dMatrix(9) = x: dMatrix(10) = y: dMatrix(11) = z
dMatrix(12) = 1: dMatrix(13) = 0: dMatrix(14) = 0: dMatrix(15) = 0

ComposeTransform = dMatrix

End Function