
Working with geometry (IModeler) using SOLIDWORKS API

SOLIDWORKS models geometry API{ width=250 }

SOLIDWORKS API provides a low level access to geometry generation and processing via IModeler interface.

This interface allows to manipulate the geometry on a kernel level:

  • Create surfaces from boundary representation (BREP) data
  • Create curves
  • Trim curves and surfaces

Geometry API is most commonly used to generate and modify bodies in Macro Features.

This section contains examples of working with geometry (adding, editing) using SOLIDWORKS API.

Previewing Temp Geometry

Temporary geometry is invisible and resides in memory. However it can be very useful to preview the geometry to troubleshoot. Below are code snippets allowing to preview different types of temp geometry

Previewing Curves

Curves can be previewed by converting them into the temp wire bodies which can be displayed in the graphics area.

PreviewCurves swModel, swCurve1, swCurve2, swCurve3
Sub PreviewCurves(model As SldWorks.ModelDoc2, ParamArray curves() As Variant)

Dim i As Integer
Dim swPreviewBody() As SldWorks.Body2

If Not IsEmpty(curves) Then

ReDim swPreviewBody(UBound(curves))

For i = 0 To UBound(curves)
Dim swCurve As SldWorks.Curve
Set swCurve = curves(i)
Set swPreviewBody(i) = swCurve.CreateWireBody()
swPreviewBody(i).Display3 model, RGB(255, 255, 0), swTempBodySelectOptions_e.swTempBodySelectOptionNone

End If


If Not IsEmpty(curves) Then
For i = 0 To UBound(curves)
Set swPreviewBody(i) = Nothing
End If

End Sub