

特征树中的链接表格宏功能{ width=350 }

此宏允许在零件、装配和绘图中创建通用表格,并使用SOLIDWORKS API将其链接到外部Excel或文本/CSV文件。此宏实现为嵌入式宏功能,这意味着一旦重新构建模型,表格将自动更新。

  • 运行宏
  • 在第一个提示对话框中指定Excel(.xls或.xlsx)或逗号分隔的文本文件(.csv或.txt)的完整路径
  • 可选择指定要从中读取数据的电子表格的名称。如果指定空字符串,则使用第一个电子表格



  • 仅支持简单的CSV文件(即简单的逗号分隔值,不支持换行符或值中的逗号)
  • 使用CSV文件时不需要Excel
  • 使用CSV文件具有显着的性能优势,因为无需启动Excel和加载文档即可获取数据。在适用的情况下使用此选项
  • Excel是不可见的,并且会话可能会被缓存以获得更好的性能优势
  • 如果将CSV或Excel文件保存相对于模型-将维护相对路径。这意味着SOLIDWORKS文件可以与Excel/CSV一起移动,链接不会中断
  • 如果在插入新特征时选择了通用表格-将使用此表格而不是创建新表格
  • 目前无法更改外部Excel文件的路径。请删除宏功能,然后通过选择通用表格重新插入它(参见上一点)
  • 宏功能嵌入到模型中,这意味着即使此宏不可用,表格也将在任何其他工作站上更新。
Const BASE_NAME As String = "LinkedTable"

Const PARAM_EXCEL_PATH As String = "ExcelPath"
Const PARAM_SHEET_NAME As String = "SheetName"

Sub main()

Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Set swApp = Application.SldWorks

Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2

Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc

If Not swModel Is Nothing Then

Dim excelFilePath As String
Dim excelSheetName As String

excelFilePath = InputBox("在第一个提示对话框中指定Excel或文本/CSV文件的完整路径")
excelSheetName = InputBox("为Excel文件指定工作表名称(对于第一个工作表指定空字符串)")

If excelFilePath = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If

excelFilePath = UpdateRelativePath(swModel, excelFilePath)

Dim curMacroPath As String
curMacroPath = swApp.GetCurrentMacroPathName
Dim vMethods(8) As String
Dim moduleName As String

GetMacroEntryPoint swApp, curMacroPath, moduleName, ""

vMethods(0) = curMacroPath: vMethods(1) = moduleName: vMethods(2) = "swmRebuild"
vMethods(3) = curMacroPath: vMethods(4) = moduleName: vMethods(5) = "swmEditDefinition"
vMethods(6) = curMacroPath: vMethods(7) = moduleName: vMethods(8) = "swmSecurity"

Dim vParamNames(1) As String
vParamNames(0) = PARAM_EXCEL_PATH
vParamNames(1) = PARAM_SHEET_NAME

Dim vParamTypes(1) As Long
vParamTypes(0) = swMacroFeatureParamType_e.swMacroFeatureParamTypeString
vParamTypes(1) = swMacroFeatureParamType_e.swMacroFeatureParamTypeString

Dim vParamValues(1) As String

vParamValues(0) = excelFilePath
vParamValues(1) = excelSheetName

Dim swTable As SldWorks.TableAnnotation
Set swTable = TryGetSelectedTable(swModel)
If swTable Is Nothing Then
Dim emptyTable(2, 2) As String
Set swTable = CreateTableFromArray(swModel, emptyTable)
End If

swTable.GetAnnotation().Select3 False, Nothing

Dim swFeat As SldWorks.Feature
Set swFeat = swModel.FeatureManager.InsertMacroFeature3(BASE_NAME, "", vMethods, _
vParamNames, vParamTypes, vParamValues, Empty, Empty, Empty, _
Empty, swMacroFeatureOptions_e.swMacroFeatureEmbedMacroFile + swMacroFeatureOptions_e.swMacroFeatureAlwaysAtEnd)

If swFeat Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "无法创建宏运行器"
End If

MsgBox "请打开模型"
End If

End Sub

Function UpdateRelativePath(model As SldWorks.ModelDoc2, path As String) As String

Dim modelPath As String
modelPath = model.GetPathName

UpdateRelativePath = path

If modelPath <> "" Then
Dim modelDir As String
modelDir = Left(modelPath, InStrRev(modelPath, "\"))

If LCase(path) Like LCase(modelDir) & "*" Then
UpdateRelativePath = Right(path, Len(path) - Len(modelDir) + 1)
End If

End If

End Function

Function GetFullPath(model As SldWorks.ModelDoc2, path As String)

GetFullPath = path

Dim isRelative As Boolean
isRelative = Left(path, 1) = "\"

If isRelative Then

Dim modelPath As String
Dim modelDir As String

modelPath = model.GetPathName

modelDir = Left(modelPath, InStrRev(modelPath, "\") - 1)

GetFullPath = modelDir & path

End If

End Function

Function TryGetSelectedTable(model As SldWorks.ModelDoc2) As SldWorks.TableAnnotation

On Error Resume Next

Dim swTable As SldWorks.TableAnnotation
Set swTable = model.SelectionManager.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1)

If swTable Is Nothing Then

Dim swTableFeat As SldWorks.GeneralTableFeature
Set swTableFeat = swModel.SelectionManager.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1)

If Not swTableFeat Is Nothing Then
Set swTable = swTableFeat.GetTableAnnotations()(0)
End If

End If

Set TryGetSelectedTable = swTable

End Function

Function CreateTableFromArray(model As SldWorks.ModelDoc2, vTableData As Variant) As SldWorks.TableAnnotation

Dim swTable As SldWorks.TableAnnotation
Set swTable = model.Extension.InsertGeneralTableAnnotation(True, 0, 0, swBOMConfigurationAnchorType_e.swBOMConfigurationAnchor_BottomLeft, "", UBound(vTableData, 1), UBound(vTableData, 2))

FillTable swTable, vTableData

Set CreateTableFromArray = swTable

End Function

Sub FillTable(table As SldWorks.TableAnnotation, vTableData As Variant)

Dim rowIndex As Integer
Dim columnIndex As Integer

Dim rowsCount As Integer
Dim colsCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer

rowsCount = UBound(vTableData, 1)
colsCount = UBound(vTableData, 2)

If table.columnCount > colsCount Then
For i = colsCount To table.columnCount - 1
table.DeleteColumn2 table.columnCount - 1, True
ElseIf table.columnCount < colsCount Then
For i = table.columnCount To colsCount - 1
table.InsertColumn2 swTableItemInsertPosition_e.swTableItemInsertPosition_Last, -1, "", swInsertTableColumnWidthStyle_e.swInsertColumn_DefaultWidth
End If

If table.rowCount > rowsCount Then
For i = rowsCount To table.rowCount - 1
table.DeleteRow2 table.rowCount - 1, True
ElseIf table.rowCount < rowsCount Then
For i = table.rowCount To rowsCount - 1
table.InsertRow swTableItemInsertPosition_e.swTableItemInsertPosition_Last, -1
End If

For rowIndex = 0 To UBound(vTableData, 1)
For columnIndex = 0 To UBound(vTableData, 2)
table.Text(rowIndex, columnIndex) = vTableData(rowIndex, columnIndex)

End Sub

Sub GetMacroEntryPoint(app As SldWorks.SldWorks, macroPath As String, ByRef moduleName As String, ByRef procName As String)

Dim vMethods As Variant
vMethods = app.GetMacroMethods(macroPath, swMacroMethods_e.swMethodsWithoutArguments)

Dim i As Integer

If Not IsEmpty(vMethods) Then

For i = 0 To UBound(vMethods)
Dim vData As Variant
vData = Split(vMethods(i), ".")

If i = 0 Or LCase(vData(1)) = "main" Then
moduleName = vData(0)
procName = vData(1)
End If

End If

End Sub

Function GetArrayFromExcel(filePath As String, sheetName As String) As Variant

Dim xlApp As Object

Dim tableData() As String

Set xlApp = GetObject("", "Excel.Application")

Dim xlWorkbook As Object
Dim xlWorksheet As Object

Dim closeWorkbook As Boolean
closeWorkbook = Not IsWorkbookOpen(xlApp, filePath)

Set xlWorkbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(filePath)

If sheetName <> "" Then
Set xlWorksheet = xlWorkbook.Sheets(sheetName)
Set xlWorksheet = xlWorkbook.Sheets(1)
End If

Dim rowIndex As Integer
Dim columnIndex As Integer

ReDim tableData(xlWorksheet.UsedRange.rows.Count, xlWorksheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count)

For rowIndex = 1 To xlWorksheet.UsedRange.rows.Count
For columnIndex = 1 To xlWorksheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
Dim cellVal As String
cellVal = xlWorksheet.Cells(rowIndex, columnIndex).Value
tableData(rowIndex - 1, columnIndex - 1) = cellVal

GetArrayFromExcel = tableData

If closeWorkbook Then
xlWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
End If

End Function

Function GetArrayFromCsv(filePath As String) As Variant

Dim fileNo As Integer

fileNo = FreeFile

Dim rows As Collection
Set rows = New Collection

Open filePath For Input As #fileNo

Do While Not EOF(fileNo)

Dim tableRow As String

Line Input #fileNo, tableRow

Dim vCells As Variant
vCells = Split(tableRow, ",")
rows.Add vCells


Close #fileNo

Dim tableData() As String

Dim rowCount As Integer
Dim columnCount As Integer
rowCount = rows.Count
columnCount = UBound(rows(1)) + 1

Dim rowIndex As Integer
Dim columnIndex As Integer

ReDim tableData(rowCount, columnCount)

For rowIndex = 1 To rowCount
Dim vRow As Variant
vRow = rows.Item(rowIndex)

For columnIndex = 1 To columnCount
Dim cellVal As String
cellVal = vRow(columnIndex - 1)
tableData(rowIndex - 1, columnIndex - 1) = cellVal

GetArrayFromCsv = tableData

End Function

Function IsWorkbookOpen(xlApp As Object, filePath As String) As Boolean

Dim i As Integer

For i = 1 To xlApp.Workbooks.Count
If LCase(xlApp.Workbooks(i).FullName) = LCase(filePath) Then
IsWorkbookOpen = True
Exit Function
End If

IsWorkbookOpen = False

End Function

Function swmRebuild(varApp As Variant, varDoc As Variant, varFeat As Variant) As Variant

Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim swFeat As SldWorks.Feature

Set swApp = varApp
Set swModel = varDoc
Set swFeat = varFeat

Dim swMacroFeat As SldWorks.MacroFeatureData
Set swMacroFeat = swFeat.GetDefinition()

Dim excelFileName As String
Dim excelSheetName As String

swMacroFeat.GetStringByName PARAM_EXCEL_PATH, excelFileName
swMacroFeat.GetStringByName PARAM_SHEET_NAME, excelSheetName

Dim vObjects As Variant
swMacroFeat.GetSelections3 vObjects, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty

Dim swTable As SldWorks.TableAnnotation
Set swTable = vObjects(0)

If swTable Is Nothing Then
swmRebuild = "链接的通用表格丢失"
Exit Function
End If

excelFileName = GetFullPath(swModel, excelFileName)

If Dir(excelFileName) = "" Then
swmRebuild = "链接的Excel文件丢失:" & excelFileName
Exit Function
End If

Dim vTable As Variant

Dim fileExt As String
fileExt = Right(excelFileName, Len(excelFileName) - InStrRev(excelFileName, "."))

Dim isExcel As Boolean
isExcel = LCase(fileExt) = "xls" Or LCase(fileExt) = "xlsx"

If isExcel Then
vTable = GetArrayFromExcel(excelFileName, excelSheetName)
vTable = GetArrayFromCsv(excelFileName)
End If

FillTable swTable, vTable

End Function

Function swmEditDefinition(varApp As Variant, varDoc As Variant, varFeat As Variant) As Variant
swmEditDefinition = True
End Function

Function swmSecurity(varApp As Variant, varDoc As Variant, varFeat As Variant) As Variant
swmSecurity = SwConst.swMacroFeatureSecurityOptions_e.swMacroFeatureSecurityByDefault
End Function