

BOM表{ width=250 }

该示例演示了如何使用SOLIDWORKS API从装配树中生成平面(仅顶层)BOM表。


  • 模型路径
  • 模型配置
  • 描述(自定义属性)
  • 价格(自定义属性)
  • 数量(计算得出)


在即时窗口中打印的BOM表{ width=250 }


Type BomPosition
ModelPath As String
Configuration As String
Quantity As Double
Description As String
Price As Double
End Type

Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks

Sub Main()

Set swApp = Application.SldWorks

Dim swAssy As SldWorks.AssemblyDoc

Set swAssy = swApp.ActiveDoc

If Not swAssy Is Nothing Then

swAssy.ResolveAllLightWeightComponents True

Dim bom() As BomPosition
bom = GetFlatBom(swAssy)

Dim i As Integer
Debug.Print "路径" & vbTab & "配置" & vbTab & "描述" & vbTab & "价格" & vbTab & "数量"

For i = 0 To UBound(bom)
Debug.Print bom(i).ModelPath & vbTab & bom(i).Configuration & vbTab & bom(i).Description & vbTab & bom(i).Price & vbTab & bom(i).Quantity

MsgBox "请打开装配体"
End If

End Sub

Function GetFlatBom(assy As SldWorks.AssemblyDoc) As BomPosition()

Dim bom() As BomPosition

Dim vComps As Variant
vComps = assy.GetComponents(False)

Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To UBound(vComps)

Dim swComp As SldWorks.Component2
Set swComp = vComps(i)

If swComp.GetSuppression() <> swComponentSuppressionState_e.swComponentSuppressed And Not swComp.ExcludeFromBOM Then

Dim bomPos As Integer
bomPos = FindBomPosition(bom, swComp)

If bomPos = -1 Then

If (Not bom) = -1 Then
ReDim bom(0)
ReDim Preserve bom(UBound(bom) + 1)
End If

bomPos = UBound(bom)

bom(bomPos).ModelPath = swComp.GetPathName()
bom(bomPos).Configuration = swComp.ReferencedConfiguration
bom(bomPos).Quantity = 1

GetProperties swComp, bom(bomPos).Description, bom(bomPos).Price

bom(bomPos).Quantity = bom(bomPos).Quantity + 1
End If

End If


GetFlatBom = bom

End Function

Function FindBomPosition(bom() As BomPosition, comp As SldWorks.Component2) As Integer

FindBomPosition = -1

If (Not bom) <> -1 Then
Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To UBound(bom)
If LCase(bom(i).ModelPath) = LCase(comp.GetPathName()) And LCase(bom(i).Configuration) = LCase(comp.ReferencedConfiguration) Then
FindBomPosition = i
Exit Function
End If
End If

End Function

Sub GetProperties(comp As SldWorks.Component2, ByRef desc As String, ByRef prc As Double)

Dim swCompModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Set swCompModel = comp.GetModelDoc2()

If swCompModel Is Nothing Then
Err.Raise vbError, "", "无法从组件中获取模型"
End If

desc = GetPropertyValue(swCompModel, comp.ReferencedConfiguration, "描述")

Dim prcTxt As String
prcTxt = GetPropertyValue(swCompModel, comp.ReferencedConfiguration, "价格")

If prcTxt <> "" Then
prc = CDbl(prcTxt)
End If

End Sub

Function GetPropertyValue(model As SldWorks.ModelDoc2, conf As String, prpName As String) As String

Dim confSpecPrpMgr As SldWorks.CustomPropertyManager
Dim genPrpMgr As SldWorks.CustomPropertyManager

Set confSpecPrpMgr = model.Extension.CustomPropertyManager(conf)
Set genPrpMgr = model.Extension.CustomPropertyManager("")

Dim prpVal As String
Dim prpResVal As String

confSpecPrpMgr.Get3 prpName, False, "", prpVal

If prpVal = "" Then
genPrpMgr.Get3 prpName, False, prpVal, prpResVal
End If

GetPropertyValue = prpResVal

End Function