从视图中使用SOLIDWORKS API维度可见绘图实体
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本示例演示了如何使用SOLIDWORKS API在所选绘图视图中的最长边上添加线性尺寸。
从IView::GetVisibleEntities返回的实体已经处于绘图视图上下文中,可以直接通过IEntity::Select4 SOLIDWORKS API方法选择,无需调用IView::SelectEntity函数。
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Sub main()
Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
Dim swDraw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc
Set swDraw = swApp.ActiveDoc
If Not swDraw Is Nothing Then
Dim swView As SldWorks.view
Set swView = swDraw.SelectionManager.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1)
If Not swView Is Nothing Then
DimensionLongestEdge swDraw, swView
MsgBox "请先选择绘图视图"
End If
MsgBox "请先打开绘图文档"
End If
End Sub
Sub DimensionLongestEdge(draw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc, view As SldWorks.view)
Dim vVisComps As Variant
vVisComps = view.GetVisibleComponents
Dim i As Integer
Dim swLongestEdge As SldWorks.edge
Dim curMaxLength As Double
curMaxLength = 0
For i = 0 To UBound(vVisComps)
Dim swComp As SldWorks.Component2
Set swComp = vVisComps(i)
Dim vVisEnts As Variant
vVisEnts = view.GetVisibleEntities2(swComp, swViewEntityType_e.swViewEntityType_Edge)
Dim j As Integer
For j = 0 To UBound(vVisEnts)
Dim swEdge As SldWorks.edge
Set swEdge = vVisEnts(j)
Dim curLength As Double
curLength = GetEdgeLength(swEdge)
If curLength > curMaxLength Then
Set swLongestEdge = swEdge
curMaxLength = curLength
End If
If swLongestEdge Is Nothing Then
Err.Raise vbError, "", "未找到最长的边"
End If
Dim swEnt As SldWorks.Entity
Set swEnt = swLongestEdge
swEnt.Select4 False, Nothing
Dim vDimLoc As Variant
vDimLoc = GetDimensionLocation(swLongestEdge, view)
draw.AddDimension2 vDimLoc(0), vDimLoc(1), vDimLoc(2)
End Sub
Function GetEdgeLength(edge As SldWorks.edge) As Double
Dim swCurve As SldWorks.Curve
Set swCurve = edge.GetCurve()
Dim swCurveParams As SldWorks.CurveParamData
Set swCurveParams = edge.GetCurveParams3
GetEdgeLength = swCurve.GetLength3(swCurveParams.UMinValue, swCurveParams.UMaxValue)
End Function
Function GetDimensionLocation(edge As SldWorks.edge, view As SldWorks.view) As Variant
Dim swCurveParams As SldWorks.CurveParamData
Set swCurveParams = edge.GetCurveParams3
Dim vCurveData As Variant
vCurveData = edge.Evaluate2((swCurveParams.UMinValue + swCurveParams.UMaxValue) / 2, 2)
Dim dMidPt(2) As Double
dMidPt(0) = vCurveData(0): dMidPt(1) = vCurveData(1): dMidPt(2) = vCurveData(2)
Dim dDir(2) As Double
dDir(0) = vCurveData(3): dDir(1) = vCurveData(4): dDir(2) = vCurveData(5)
Dim dimOffset As Double
Dim swCurve As SldWorks.Curve
Set swCurve = edge.GetCurve
dimOffset = swCurve.GetLength3(swCurveParams.UMinValue, swCurveParams.UMaxValue) * 0.2
Dim swViewXForm As SldWorks.MathTransform
Set swViewXForm = view.ModelToViewTransform
Dim swMathUtils As SldWorks.MathUtility
Set swMathUtils = swApp.GetMathUtility
Dim swMathPt As SldWorks.MathPoint
Set swMathPt = swMathUtils.CreatePoint(dMidPt)
Set swMathPt = swMathPt.MultiplyTransform(swViewXForm)
Dim swMathTangentVec As SldWorks.MathVector
Set swMathTangentVec = swMathUtils.CreateVector(dDir)
Set swMathTangentVec = swMathTangentVec.MultiplyTransform(swViewXForm)
Dim swMathPerpVec As SldWorks.MathVector
Dim dPerpVec(2) As Double
dPerpVec(0) = 0: dPerpVec(1) = 0: dPerpVec(2) = 1
Set swMathPerpVec = swMathUtils.CreateVector(dPerpVec)
Dim swDimExtDir As SldWorks.MathVector
Set swDimExtDir = swMathTangentVec.Cross(swMathPerpVec)
GetDimensionLocation = MovePoint(swMathPt, swDimExtDir, dimOffset)
End Function
Function MovePoint(pt As SldWorks.MathPoint, dir As SldWorks.MathVector, dist As Double) As Variant
Set dir = dir.Normalise()
Set dir = dir.Scale(dist)
Set pt = pt.AddVector(dir)
MovePoint = pt.ArrayData
End Function