

从切割清单中排除{ width=300 }

该宏允许使用SOLIDWORKS API将所选实体从焊接件或钣金切割清单中排除。




使用选择过滤器选择要从切割清单中排除的实体{ width=500 }


Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks

Sub main()

Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim swSelMgr As SldWorks.SelectionMgr

Set swApp = Application.SldWorks

Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc

If Not swModel Is Nothing Then

Set swSelMgr = swModel.SelectionManager

Dim swCutListsColl As Collection
Set swCutListsColl = New Collection

Dim i As Integer

Dim hasBodies As Boolean

For i = 1 To swSelMgr.GetSelectedObjectCount2(-1)

On Error Resume Next

Dim swBody As SldWorks.Body2

Set swBody = GetSelectedObjectBody(swSelMgr, i)

If Not swBody Is Nothing Then

Dim swCutListFeat As SldWorks.Feature
Set swCutListFeat = GetCutListFromBody(swModel, swBody)

If Not swCutListFeat Is Nothing Then
If Not Contains(swCutListsColl, swCutListFeat) Then
swCutListsColl.Add swCutListFeat
End If
MsgBox "无法找到" & swBody.Name & "的切割清单项"
End If

End If


If swCutListsColl.Count() > 0 Then

For i = 1 To swCutListsColl.Count
swCutListsColl(i).ExcludeFromCutList = True

MsgBox "请选择要从切割清单中排除的实体"
End If

MsgBox "请打开模型"
End If

End Sub

Function GetSelectedObjectBody(selMgr As SldWorks.SelectionMgr, index As Integer) As SldWorks.Body2

Dim swBody As SldWorks.Body2

Dim selObj As Object
Set selObj = selMgr.GetSelectedObject6(index, -1)

If Not selObj Is Nothing Then
If TypeOf selObj Is SldWorks.Body2 Then
Set swBody = selObj
ElseIf TypeOf selObj Is SldWorks.Face2 Then
Dim swFace As SldWorks.Face2
Set swFace = selObj
Set swBody = swFace.GetBody
ElseIf TypeOf selObj Is SldWorks.Edge Then
Dim swEdge As SldWorks.Edge
Set swEdge = selObj
Set swBody = swEdge.GetBody
ElseIf TypeOf selObj Is SldWorks.Vertex Then
Dim swVertex As SldWorks.Vertex
Set swVertex = selObj
Set swBody = swVertex.GetBody
End If
End If

Set GetSelectedObjectBody = swBody

End Function

Function GetCutListFromBody(model As SldWorks.ModelDoc2, body As SldWorks.Body2) As SldWorks.Feature

Dim swFeat As SldWorks.Feature
Dim swBodyFolder As SldWorks.BodyFolder

Set swFeat = model.FirstFeature

Do While Not swFeat Is Nothing

If swFeat.GetTypeName2 = "CutListFolder" Then

Set swBodyFolder = swFeat.GetSpecificFeature2

Dim vBodies As Variant

vBodies = swBodyFolder.GetBodies

Dim i As Integer

If Not IsEmpty(vBodies) Then
For i = 0 To UBound(vBodies)

Dim swCutListBody As SldWorks.Body2
Set swCutListBody = vBodies(i)

If swApp.IsSame(swCutListBody, body) = swObjectEquality.swObjectSame Then
Set GetCutListFromBody = swFeat
Exit Function
End If

End If

End If

Set swFeat = swFeat.GetNextFeature


End Function

Function Contains(coll As Collection, item As Object) As Boolean

Dim i As Integer

For i = 1 To coll.Count
If coll.item(i) Is item Then
Contains = True
Exit Function
End If

Contains = False

End Function