

链接的钣金切割清单自定义属性{ width=800 }






Sub Init(Optional dummy As Variant = Empty)

Set Map = New Collection

Map.Add CreateMapValue("零件编号", "", "") '添加空的'零件编号'自定义属性
Map.Add CreateMapValue("宽度", "包围盒宽度", "") '添加来自钣金的'包围盒宽度'的自定义属性'宽度',如果不是钣金零件,则为空
Map.Add CreateMapValue("材料", "", """SW-Material""") '添加自定义属性'材料'并将其设置为'SW-Material'公式,无论这是否是钣金零件

End Sub


  • 仅支持单个切割清单文件(如果有多个切割清单,则会引发错误)
  • 宏将在切割清单文件夹上设置自动创建切割清单自动更新选项
  • 仅支持零件文档
  • 切割清单自定义属性通过表达式和切割清单名称进行链接。如果重命名切割清单,则属性将不会更新,需要重新运行宏。但是,如果切割清单保持原始名称,则所有属性将动态更新,无需重新运行宏。
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks

Dim Map As Collection

Sub Init(Optional dummy As Variant = Empty)

Set Map = New Collection

Map.Add CreateMapValue("长度", "包围盒长度", """D1@Boss-Extrude1""")
Map.Add CreateMapValue("质量", "质量", """SW-Mass""")
Map.Add CreateMapValue("表面积", "", """SW-SurfaceArea""")

End Sub

Function CreateMapValue(targetPrpName As String, srcCutListPrpName As String, Optional fallbackValue As String = "") As Variant

CreateMapValue = Array(targetPrpName, srcCutListPrpName, fallbackValue)

End Function

Sub main()

Set swApp = Application.SldWorks

Dim swPart As SldWorks.ModelDoc2

Set swPart = swApp.ActiveDoc

If swPart Is Nothing Then
Err.Raise vbError, "", "打开零件文档"
End If

If swPart.GetType() <> swDocumentTypes_e.swDocPART Then
Err.Raise vbError, "", "活动文档不是零件"
End If


Dim vCutLists As Variant
vCutLists = GetCutLists(swPart)

Dim swCutListCustomPrpMgr As SldWorks.CustomPropertyManager

If Not IsEmpty(vCutLists) Then

If UBound(vCutLists) > 0 Then
Err.Raise vbError, "", "仅支持单个切割清单项"
End If

Dim swCutList As SldWorks.Feature

Set swCutList = vCutLists(0)

Dim swCutListFolder As SldWorks.BodyFolder
Set swCutListFolder = swCutList.GetSpecificFeature2

Dim swBody As SldWorks.Body2
Set swBody = swCutListFolder.GetBodies()(0)

If False <> swBody.IsSheetMetal() Then
Set swCutListCustomPrpMgr = swCutList.CustomPropertyManager
End If

End If

Dim swTargetCustPrpMgr As SldWorks.CustomPropertyManager
Set swTargetCustPrpMgr = swPart.Extension.CustomPropertyManager("")

Dim i As Integer

For i = 1 To Map.Count

Dim targetPrpName As String
Dim srcCutListPrpName As String
Dim fallbackValue As String

targetPrpName = CStr(Map.item(i)(0))
srcCutListPrpName = CStr(Map.item(i)(1))
fallbackValue = CStr(Map.item(i)(2))

CopyProperty swCutListCustomPrpMgr, swTargetCustPrpMgr, targetPrpName, srcCutListPrpName, fallbackValue

End Sub

Function GetCutLists(model As SldWorks.ModelDoc2) As Variant

Dim swFeat As SldWorks.Feature

Dim swCutLists() As SldWorks.Feature

Set swFeat = model.FirstFeature

While Not swFeat Is Nothing

If swFeat.GetTypeName2 <> "HistoryFolder" Then

ProcessFeature swFeat, swCutLists

TraverseSubFeatures swFeat, swCutLists

End If

Set swFeat = swFeat.GetNextFeature


If (Not swCutLists) = -1 Then
GetCutLists = Empty
GetCutLists = swCutLists
End If

End Function

Sub TraverseSubFeatures(parentFeat As SldWorks.Feature, cutLists() As SldWorks.Feature)

Dim swChildFeat As SldWorks.Feature
Set swChildFeat = parentFeat.GetFirstSubFeature

While Not swChildFeat Is Nothing
ProcessFeature swChildFeat, cutLists
Set swChildFeat = swChildFeat.GetNextSubFeature()

End Sub

Sub ProcessFeature(feat As SldWorks.Feature, cutLists() As SldWorks.Feature)

If feat.GetTypeName2() = "SolidBodyFolder" Then

Dim swBodyFolder As SldWorks.BodyFolder
Set swBodyFolder = feat.GetSpecificFeature2

swBodyFolder.SetAutomaticCutList True
swBodyFolder.SetAutomaticUpdate True

ElseIf feat.GetTypeName2() = "CutListFolder" Then

If Not Contains(cutLists, feat) Then
If (Not cutLists) = -1 Then
ReDim cutLists(0)
ReDim Preserve cutLists(UBound(cutLists) + 1)
End If

Set cutLists(UBound(cutLists)) = feat
End If

End If

End Sub

Function Contains(arr As Variant, item As Object) As Boolean

Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To UBound(arr)
If arr(i) Is item Then
Contains = True
Exit Function
End If

Contains = False

End Function

Sub CopyProperty(srcPrpMgr As SldWorks.CustomPropertyManager, targPrpMgr As SldWorks.CustomPropertyManager, targetPrpName As String, srcCutListPrpName As String, fallbackValue As String)

Dim prpVal As String

If Not srcPrpMgr Is Nothing And srcCutListPrpName <> "" Then

Dim prpResVal As String

srcPrpMgr.Get5 srcCutListPrpName, False, prpVal, prpResVal, False
prpVal = fallbackValue
End If

targPrpMgr.Add2 targetPrpName, swCustomInfoType_e.swCustomInfoText, prpVal
targPrpMgr.Set targetPrpName, prpVal

End Sub