
将数组转换为字典的 Visual Basic 示例

此示例演示了如何使用键选择器将元素数组分组到字典中的 Visual Basic 示例。

Sub main()

Dim strArr(6) As String

strArr(0) = "A"
strArr(1) = "B"
strArr(2) = "C"
strArr(3) = "A"
strArr(4) = "B"
strArr(5) = "C"
strArr(6) = "C"

Dim groups As Object
Set groups = ToDictionary(strArr)

'A x 2
'B x 2
'C x 3
For Each key In groups.Keys
Debug.Print key & " x " & UBound(groups.Item(key)) + 1

End Sub

Function ToDictionary(arr As Variant) As Object

Dim dict As Object
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

If Not IsEmpty(arr) Then

For Each elem In arr

Dim group() As Variant
Dim key As Variant

key = KeySelector(elem)

If dict.Exists(key) Then
group = dict.Item(key)
ReDim Preserve group(UBound(group) + 1)
group(UBound(group)) = elem
dict.Item(key) = group
ReDim group(0)
group(0) = elem
dict.Add key, group
End If


End If

Set ToDictionary = dict

End Function

'modify the key selector to work with complex structures if required
Function KeySelector(elem As Variant) As Variant
KeySelector = elem
End Function