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User Defined Types in Visual Basic

User defined type in intelli-sense{ width=350 }

In Visual Basic complex data structure (group) of variables can be defined using the Type - End Type code block.

Type MyType
Var1 As Double
Var2 As String
End Type

This enables developers to create easy to understand and use data structures.

Variables of any type can be defined inside the type code block.

Properties declared in type are public and browsable within the intelli-sense:

Properties of the user defined type displayed in the intelli-sense{ width=250 }

It is not possible to set the access modifiers or add any functions or procedures within the type:

Compile Error: Statement invalid inside Type block{ width=350 }

Type MyType
IntValue As Integer
DoubleValue As Double
StringValue As String
End Type

Sub main()

Dim val1 As MyType
val1.DoubleValue = 10.5
val1.IntValue = 5
val1.StringValue = "Hello World"

Dim val2 As MyType
val2 = val1 'all values are copied

val2.DoubleValue = 2.5
val2.StringValue = "Modified Hello World"
val2.IntValue = 1

'10.5, 5, Hello World
Debug.Print val1.DoubleValue & ", " & val1.IntValue & ", " & val1.StringValue

'2.5, 1, Modified Hello World
Debug.Print val2.DoubleValue & ", " & val2.IntValue & ", " & val2.StringValue

End Sub