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Dictionary in Visual Basic

Visual Basic dictionary object is a collection of unique keys and associated values. It is also possible to index items with keys in collection, but in this case it is only possible to have keys of String types. While it is possible to create keys of any type in Dictionary.

Unlike collections dictionaries are COM objects and require reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime library in order to use early binding.

Microsoft Scripting Runtime reference{ width=350 }

Dim dict As Dictionary 'early binding
Set dict = New Dictionary

It is also possible to use late binding, so it is not required to add the Microsoft Scripting Runtime library to the project.

Dim dict As Object 'late binding
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

Refer Early Binding and Late Binding article for more information about these approaches.

Add, edit and traverse elements

In order to add new key-value pair it is required to use Add method of Dictionary object

dic.Add <Key>, <Value>

Keys must be unique otherwise the error will be displayed.

Run-time error &#39;457&#39; the key is already associated with an element of this collection when adding the duplicate key{ width=350 }

Elements of the dictionary can be accessed by key or 0-based index either by using () symbol directly on the variable or via Item property

Debug.Print dict.Item(<Key>)
Debug.Print dict(<Key>)

All keys from the dictionary can be retrieved using the Keys property.

All values from the dictionary can be retrieved using the Values property.

Sub AddEditAndTraverse()

Dim dict As Dictionary
'Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set dict = New Dictionary

dict.Add 10, "Ten"
dict.Add 100, "Hundred"
dict.Add 1000, "Thousand"

'10 = Ten
'100 = Hundred
'1000 = Thousand
For Each nmbKey In dict.Keys
Debug.Print nmbKey & " = " & dict.item(nmbKey)

dict(100) = "One Hundred" 'value modified

'One Hundred
Debug.Print dict(100) 'item accessed without the the Item property

Debug.Print dict(10000) 'not existing item

End Sub

Key compare mode

By default the compare mode for keys is set to Binary comparison. This means if dictionary has keys of type String the keys are case-sensitive, i.e. it is acceptable to have both A and a as the key.

Exists method provides a safe way to check if the key already registered in the dictionary.

CompareMode property allows to set the mode which should be used when comparing the entries.

  • BinaryCompare (default). String keys are case-sensitive
  • TextCompare. String keys are case-insensitive

Mode can only be changed for an empty dictionary (without values), otherwise the error will be displayed.

Run-time error &#39;5&#39;: Invalid procedure call or argument when changing the compare mode of dictionary objects with elements{ width=400 }

Sub ExistsCompareMode()

Dim dict As Dictionary

Set dict = New Dictionary

dict.Add "A", 1
dict.Add "B", 2
dict.Add "C", 3
dict.Add "D", 4

Debug.Print dict.Exists("a")

dict.Add "d", 5 'allows to add the element as the default comparison is binary

'dict.CompareMode = TextCompare 'Run-time error 5: Invalid procedure call or argument

Dim dict1 As New Dictionary
dict1.CompareMode = TextCompare 'case-insensitive comparison

dict1.Add "A", 1
dict1.Add "B", 2
dict1.Add "a", 3 'Run-time error 457: This key is already associated with an element of this collection

Debug.Print dict1.Exists("a")

End Sub

Remove elements

Any element can be removed from the dictionary either by key or by 0-based index using Remove method.

Attempt on removing the item which is not present in the dictionary will throw an exception

Run-time error &#39;32811&#39;: Method Remove of object &#39;IDictionary&#39; failed when removing non-existent element{ width=250 }

RemoveAll method allows to clear the dictionary and remove all items.

Sub Remove()

Dim dict As Dictionary

Set dict = New Dictionary

dict.Add "A", 1
dict.Add "B", 2
dict.Add "C", 3
dict.Add "D", 4

dict.Remove "A"

'dict.Remove "Not Existing Item" 'Run-time error 32811: Method Remove of object IDictionary failed

Dim i As Integer

'2 3 4
For i = 1 To dict.Count
Dim item As Integer
item = dict.Items(i - 1) '0-based index
Debug.Print item


Debug.Print dict.Count

End Sub