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Writing the text content into the file using Visual Basic (VBA)

This code snippet demonstrates how to write text into the specified file using Visual Basic (VBA). Function has an option to overwrite existing content or append it.

The below snippet will overwrite the data in the destination text file

WriteText("C:\MyFolder\MyFile.txt", "Text Data", False)

While this snippet will append the data

WriteText("C:\MyFolder\MyFile.txt", "Text Data", True)

Code will automatically create new file if it doesn't exist.

Exception will be thrown in case of any error (for example file cannot be accessed for writing).

Sub WriteText(filePath As String, content As String, append As Boolean)

Dim fileNo As Integer
fileNo = FreeFile

If append Then
Open filePath For Append As #fileNo
Open filePath For Output As #fileNo
End If

Print #fileNo, content

Close #fileNo

End Sub