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Get files paths from folder using Visual Basic 6 (VBA)

This function is Visual Basic 6 (VBA) allows to find the paths of files in the specified folder with an option to traverse sub directores and specifying the extension of files to return:

vFiles = GetFiles("D:\MyFolder") 'get all files from the MyFolder directory in the D drive and all the sub folders
vFiles = GetFiles("D:\MyFolder", False) 'get only top level files from the MyFolder directory in the D drive
vFiles = GetFiles("D:\MyFolder", True, "txt") 'get all files in .txt format from the MyFolder directory in the D drive
Function GetFiles(path As String, Optional includeSubFolders As Boolean = True, Optional ext As String = "") As Variant

Dim paths() As String
Dim isInit As Boolean

isInit = False

Dim fso As Object
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Dim folder As Object
Set folder = fso.GetFolder(path)

CollectFilesFromFolder folder, includeSubFolders, ext, paths, isInit

If isInit Then
GetFiles = paths
GetFiles = Empty
End If

End Function

Sub CollectFilesFromFolder(folder As Object, includeSubFolders As Boolean, ext As String, ByRef paths() As String, ByRef isInit As Boolean)

For Each file In folder.files
Dim fileExt As String
fileExt = Right(file.path, Len(file.path) - InStrRev(file.path, "."))
If LCase(fileExt) = LCase(ext) Then
If Not isInit Then
ReDim paths(0)
isInit = True
ReDim Preserve paths(UBound(paths) + 1)
End If
paths(UBound(paths)) = file.path
End If

If includeSubFolders Then
Dim subFolder As Object
For Each subFolder In folder.SubFolders
CollectFilesFromFolder subFolder, includeSubFolders, ext, paths, isInit
End If

End Sub