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Fix 'Please select at least one DLL implementing the IEdmAddIn5 interface' error


The following error is shown when adding the add-in with SOLIDWORKS PDM administration tool: Please select at least one DLL implementing the IEdmAddIn5 interface

Error when adding the add-in{ width=450 }


Error happens when SOLIDWORKS PDM cannot find the class which implements the IEdmAddIn5 which corresponds to the add-in.

In order for the add-in class to be visible to SOLIDWORKS PDM, it must be public and com visible.

Examples of incorrect declaration of add-in

Class is not marked as COM Visible

public class PdmAddIn : IEdmAddIn5

Class doesn't have access modifiers (private by default)

class PdmAddIn : IEdmAddIn5

Class marked as internal

internal class PdmAddIn : IEdmAddIn5


Make sure that add-in class is public and decorated with ComVisible attribute with value set to True

public class PdmAddIn : IEdmAddIn5