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Cache file from PDM vault locally using SOLIDWORKS PDM API

This example demonstrates how to get local copies of the file and all the dependencies to be used in desktop application. This macro is an equivalent of the following command:

Get latest version command in PDM vault{ width=350 }

PDM is a server based application and files are cached locally when they are accessed in PDM via Windows File Explorer. Files cache can be cleared or outdated. That means that desktop applications may fail when trying to access the file in PDM vault if it has not been cached locally. File Not Found error will occur (e.g. when using SOLIDWORKS API to open the file or using File System Object to traverse the folders structure or read any attributes).

To increase the performance this macro utilizes the IEdmBatchGet SOLIDWORKS PDM API interface which enables batch files processing.

To test this scenario

  • Get the path to any SOLIDWORKS file in the vault
  • Clear the cache of the vault:

Clear local cache command in PDM vault{ width=450 }

  • Comment out the GetLocalCopyFromVault call in the main procedure of the following macro
  • Run the macro. Notice that pointer to swModel is null and file open call failed
  • Uncomment the GetLocalCopyFromVault and run macro again. Now the model is successfully opened as the file has been cached locally.

Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks

Sub main()

Set swApp = Application.SldWorks


Dim swOpenDocSpec As SldWorks.DocumentSpecification
Set swOpenDocSpec = swApp.GetOpenDocSpec(FILE_PATH)

Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Set swModel = swApp.OpenDoc7(swOpenDocSpec)

End Sub

Sub GetLocalCopyFromVault(path As String, vaultName As String, userName As String, password As String)

Dim pdmVault As New EdmLib.EdmVault5
pdmVault.Login userName, password, vaultName

If pdmVault.IsLoggedIn Then
GetLocalCopies pdmVault, Array(path)
MsgBox "Failed to login to vault"
End If

End Sub

Sub GetLocalCopies(vault As EdmLib.EdmVault5, vFilePaths As Variant)

If Not IsEmpty(vFilePaths) Then

Dim pdmBatchGetUtil As EdmLib.IEdmBatchGet
Set pdmBatchGetUtil = vault.CreateUtility(EdmUtil_BatchGet)

Dim i As Integer

Dim pdmSelItems() As EdmLib.EdmSelItem
ReDim pdmSelItems(UBound(vFilePaths))

For i = 0 To UBound(vFilePaths)

Dim filePath As String
filePath = vFilePaths(i)

Dim pdmFile As EdmLib.IEdmFile5
Dim pdmFolder As EdmLib.IEdmFolder5

Set pdmFile = vault.GetFileFromPath(filePath, pdmFolder)

pdmSelItems(i).mlDocID = pdmFile.ID
pdmSelItems(i).mlProjID = pdmFolder.ID


pdmBatchGetUtil.AddSelection vault, pdmSelItems
pdmBatchGetUtil.CreateTree 0, EdmLib.EdmGetCmdFlags.Egcf_RefreshFileListing
pdmBatchGetUtil.GetFiles 0

End If

End Sub