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Excel macro to manage custom properties in SOLIDWORKS files

SOLIDWORKS Custom Properties In Excel{ width=250 }

This Excel VBA macro adds additional functions to Excel palette allowing to read and write custom properties from SOLIDWORKS files.

This macro utilizes Document Manager which makes the process of reading and writing properties much faster (x10-x100+ times) than regular SOLIDWORKS API.

Furthermore SOLIDWORKS installation is not required to use this macro.


  • If you do not have Document Manager License key, follow Activating Document Manager article for the steps required to retrieve the Document Manager license. This key is free for SOLIDWORKS customers under subscription.
  • Create new excel document and create new macro. Paste the macro code below
Const SW_DM_KEY As String = "Your License Key"

Sub main()
End Sub

Function ConnectToDm() As SwDocumentMgr.SwDMApplication

Dim swDmClassFactory As SwDocumentMgr.swDmClassFactory
Dim swDmApp As SwDocumentMgr.SwDMApplication

Set swDmClassFactory = CreateObject("SwDocumentMgr.SwDMClassFactory")

If Not swDmClassFactory Is Nothing Then
Set swDmApp = swDmClassFactory.GetApplication(SW_DM_KEY)
Set ConnectToDm = swDmApp
Err.Raise vbError, "", "Document Manager SDK is not installed"
End If

End Function

Function OpenDocument(swDmApp As SwDocumentMgr.SwDMApplication, path As String, readOnly As Boolean) As SwDocumentMgr.SwDMDocument10

Dim ext As String
ext = LCase(Right(path, Len(path) - InStrRev(path, ".")))

Dim docType As SwDmDocumentType

Select Case ext
Case "sldlfp"
docType = swDmDocumentPart
Case "sldprt"
docType = swDmDocumentPart
Case "sldasm"
docType = swDmDocumentAssembly
Case "slddrw"
docType = swDmDocumentDrawing
Case Else
Err.Raise vbError, "", "Unsupported file type: " & ext
End Select

Dim swDmDoc As SwDocumentMgr.SwDMDocument10
Dim openDocErr As SwDmDocumentOpenError
Set swDmDoc = swDmApp.GetDocument(path, docType, readOnly, openDocErr)

If swDmDoc Is Nothing Then
Err.Raise vbError, "", "Failed to open document: '" & path & "'. Error Code: " & openDocErr
End If

Set OpenDocument = swDmDoc

End Function

Public Function GETSWPRP(fileName As String, prpNames As Variant, Optional confName As String = "") As Variant

Dim swDmApp As SwDocumentMgr.SwDMApplication
Dim swDmDoc As SwDocumentMgr.SwDMDocument10

On Error GoTo catch_

Dim vNames As Variant

If TypeName(prpNames) = "Range" Then
vNames = RangeToArray(prpNames)
vNames = Array(CStr(prpNames))
End If

Set swDmApp = ConnectToDm()
Set swDmDoc = OpenDocument(swDmApp, fileName, True)

Dim res() As String
Dim i As Integer
ReDim res(UBound(vNames))

Dim prpType As SwDmCustomInfoType

If confName = "" Then
For i = 0 To UBound(vNames)
res(i) = swDmDoc.GetCustomProperty(CStr(vNames(i)), prpType)
Dim swDmConf As SwDocumentMgr.SwDMConfiguration10
Set swDmConf = swDmDoc.ConfigurationManager.GetConfigurationByName(confName)
If Not swDmConf Is Nothing Then
For i = 0 To UBound(vNames)
res(i) = swDmConf.GetCustomProperty(CStr(vNames(i)), prpType)
Err.Raise vbError, "", "Failed to get configuration '" & confName & "' from '" & fileName & "'"
End If
End If


GoTo finally_

Debug.Print Err.Description
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
If Not swDmDoc Is Nothing Then
End If

End Function

Public Function SETSWPRP(fileName As String, prpNames As Variant, prpVals As Variant, Optional confName As String = "")

Dim swDmApp As SwDocumentMgr.SwDMApplication
Dim swDmDoc As SwDocumentMgr.SwDMDocument10

On Error GoTo catch_

If TypeName(prpNames) <> TypeName(prpVals) Then
Err.Raise vbError, "", "Property name and value must be of the same type, e.g. either range or cell"
End If

Dim vNames As Variant
Dim vVals As Variant

If TypeName(prpNames) = "Range" Then

vNames = RangeToArray(prpNames)

vVals = RangeToArray(prpVals)

If UBound(vNames) <> UBound(vVals) Then
Err.Raise vbError, "", "Number of cells in the name and value are not equal"
End If
vNames = Array(CStr(prpNames))
vVals = Array(CStr(prpVals))
End If

Set swDmApp = ConnectToDm()
Set swDmDoc = OpenDocument(swDmApp, fileName, False)

Dim i As Integer

If confName = "" Then
For i = 0 To UBound(vNames)
swDmDoc.AddCustomProperty CStr(vNames(i)), swDmCustomInfoText, CStr(vVals(i))
swDmDoc.SetCustomProperty CStr(vNames(i)), CStr(vVals(i))
Dim swDmConf As SwDocumentMgr.SwDMConfiguration10
Set swDmConf = swDmDoc.ConfigurationManager.GetConfigurationByName(confName)

If Not swDmConf Is Nothing Then
For i = 0 To UBound(vNames)
swDmConf.AddCustomProperty CStr(vNames(i)), swDmCustomInfoText, CStr(vVals(i))
swDmConf.SetCustomProperty CStr(vNames(i)), CStr(vVals(i))
Err.Raise vbError, "", "Failed to get configuration '" & confName & "' from '" & fileName & "'"
End If
End If



GoTo finally_

Debug.Print Err.Description
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
If Not swDmDoc Is Nothing Then
End If

End Function

Private Function RangeToArray(vRange As Variant) As Variant

If TypeName(vRange) = "Range" Then
Dim excelRange As range
Set excelRange = vRange

Dim i As Integer

Dim valsArr() As String
ReDim valsArr(excelRange.Cells.Count - 1)

i = 0

For Each cell In excelRange.Cells
valsArr(i) = cell.Value
i = i + 1

RangeToArray = valsArr

Err.Raise vbError, "", "Value is not a Range"
End If

End Function
  • Modify the macro and enter the license key instead of the Your License Key placeholder, retrieved in the first step. Note, depending on the size of the key you may see Compile error: Invalid outside procedure error error. Follow this article for a solution.
Const SW_DM_KEY As String = "Your License Key"
  • Add the SwDocumentMgr YEAR Type Library reference to the macro.

Document Manager Reference added to the macro


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Macro will add 2 functions into the Excel functions scope which can be used as any other function in Excel

Excel function added to the list

As standard functions user can pass the parameter as reference to other cells.

Setting the value of the Product Id property

Or can use free text

Reading description property from the Default configuration of the file

When multiple properties need to be written or read, use Excel ranges to maximize the performance of the operation

Batch updating 3 properties for multiple files


This function allows to extract the values of specified property from file or a given configuration. Error is thrown attempting to read the property which not exists.


  • File Name - full path to SOLIDWORKS part, assembly or drawing
  • Property Names - property or range of properties to read values from
  • (Optional) Configuration Name - name of the configuration to read values from, if not specified properties are read from the general tab


Writes properties to the specified SOLIDWORKS file into the specified configuration. This function will either update existing property or create new if not exists.


  • File Name - full path to SOLIDWORKS part, assembly or drawing
  • Property Names - property or range of properties to write values to
  • Property Values - value or range of values of properties
  • (Optional) Configuration Name - name of the configuration to write values to, if not specified properties are written to the general tab


In case of an error the corresponding cell will indicate this:

Calculation error in cell

To find more about the error. Open the macro and inspect immediate window output

Error displayed in VBA Immediate Window

Descriptions of open error code can be found here

It is strongly recommended to test this macro on sample data before using on production file. And also it is strongly recommended to backup the data before using this macro.


This macro will extract formulas (instead of resolved values) for properties with equations such as mass or material.

To define the formula use "" to protect the " symbol. For example

=SETSWPRP(A2, "Mass", """SW-Mass@Part1.SLDPRT""")