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Change system page setup options in SOLIDWORKS using API in macro

Page Setup{ width=350 }

This example demonstrates how to change the system page setup option (paper size and scale) and set the current document options to use the system settings using SOLIDWORKS API.

This example also demonstrates how to retrieve the system specific paper size integer for IPageSetup::PrinterPaperSize by specifying the paper name.

Private Declare PtrSafe Function DeviceCapabilities Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "DeviceCapabilitiesA" (ByVal lpDeviceName As String, ByVal lpPort As String, ByVal iIndex As Long, ByRef lpOutput As Any, ByRef lpDevMode As Any) As Long

Const PAPER_NAME As String = "A4"

Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks

Sub main()

Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2

Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc

If Not swModel Is Nothing Then

Dim swAppPageSetup As SldWorks.PageSetup
Set swAppPageSetup = swModel.Extension.AppPageSetup

swAppPageSetup.PrinterPaperSize = GetPaper(swModel.Printer, PAPER_NAME)
swAppPageSetup.ScaleToFit = False
swAppPageSetup.Scale2 = 50

swModel.Extension.UsePageSetup = swPageSetupInUse_e.swPageSetupInUse_Application

MsgBox "Please open the model"
End If

End Sub

Public Function GetPaper(printerName As String, paperName As String) As Integer

Const DC_PAPERNAMES As Integer = &H10
Const DC_PAPERS As Integer = &H2

Dim papersCount As Integer
papersCount = DeviceCapabilities(printerName, "", DC_PAPERS, ByVal vbNullString, 0)

If papersCount > 0 Then

Dim papersCodes() As Integer
ReDim papersCodes(papersCount - 1)

DeviceCapabilities printerName, "", DC_PAPERS, papersCodes(0), 0

Dim papersNames As String
papersNames = String$(64 * papersCount, 0)
DeviceCapabilities printerName, "", DC_PAPERNAMES, ByVal papersNames, 0

Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To papersCount
If LCase(ParsePaperName(papersNames, 64 * i + 1)) = LCase(paperName) Then
GetPaper = papersCodes(i)
End If
Err.Raise vbError, "", "No sizes available for the specified printer"
End If

End Function

Function ParsePaperName(papersNames As String, offset As Integer) As String

Dim paperName As String

paperName = Mid(papersNames, offset, 64)

Dim nullCharIndex As Integer
nullCharIndex = InStr(paperName, vbNullChar)

If nullCharIndex <> 0 Then
paperName = Left$(paperName, nullCharIndex - 1)
End If

ParsePaperName = paperName

End Function