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Macro to replace sheet formats in SOLIDWORKS drawings

Sheet format{ width=300 }

This VBA macro replaces sheet formats (*.slddrt files) in all sheets of an active drawing document according to specified mapping rules.


Configure the map by changing the REPLACE_MAP array. This array contains instructions on replacing the sheets based on the size or sheet format file of the input sheet.

This map contains an array of matching filters and resulting sheet format file in the following format:

|{Source paper size}|{Source sheet format file path}|{Target sheet format file path}

Source paper size is the constant as defined in swDwgPaperSizes_e enumeration. See the table below. Use one of these values or use * to match any paper size

A Vertical1
A4 Vertical7

Source sheet format file size is a full file path to the sheet format file or * to match all sheet formats.

For example the below map will

  • Replace all sheets with A0 size (11) regardless of the sheet format file used (*) with the D:\Formats\format1.slddrt sheet format.
  • Replace all sheets regardless of the size (*) with sheet format linked to D:\OldFormats\oldformat1.slddrt with the D:\Formats\format2.slddrt file
REPLACE_MAP = Array("11|*|D:\Formats\format1.slddrt", "*|D:\OldFormats\oldformat1.slddrt|D:\Formats\format2.slddrt")

You can specify as many rules as required.

Rules are executed in the specified order.

If none of the rules match the input - macro throws an error.

Const FILTER_ANY As String = "*"

Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks

Dim REPLACE_MAP As Variant

Sub main()

REPLACE_MAP = Array("*|*|D:\new-format.slddrt")

Set swApp = Application.SldWorks

Dim swDraw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc

Set swDraw = swApp.ActiveDoc

Dim vSheetNames As Variant
vSheetNames = swDraw.GetSheetNames

Dim i As Integer

Dim activeSheet As String
activeSheet = swDraw.GetCurrentSheet().GetName

For i = 0 To UBound(vSheetNames)

Dim sheetName As String
sheetName = CStr(vSheetNames(i))

Dim swSheet As SldWorks.sheet
Set swSheet = swDraw.sheet(sheetName)

Dim targetSheetFormatFileName As String
targetSheetFormatFileName = GetReplaceSheetFormat(swSheet)

swDraw.ActivateSheet sheetName

ReplaceSheetFormat swDraw, swSheet, targetSheetFormatFileName


swDraw.ActivateSheet activeSheet

End Sub

Function GetReplaceSheetFormat(sheet As SldWorks.sheet) As String

Dim curTemplateName As String
curTemplateName = sheet.GetTemplateName()

Dim curSize As Integer
curSize = sheet.GetSize(-1, -1)

Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To UBound(REPLACE_MAP)

Dim map As String
map = REPLACE_MAP(i)

Dim mapParams As Variant
mapParams = Split(map, "|")

Dim mapPaperSize As Integer
Dim srcTemplateName As String

If Trim(mapParams(0)) <> FILTER_ANY Then
mapPaperSize = CInt(Trim(mapParams(0)))
mapPaperSize = -1
End If

If Trim(mapParams(1)) <> FILTER_ANY Then
srcTemplateName = CStr(Trim(mapParams(1)))
srcTemplateName = ""
End If

If (mapPaperSize = -1 Or mapPaperSize = curSize) And (srcTemplateName = "" Or LCase(srcTemplateName) = LCase(curTemplateName)) Then

Dim targetTemplateName As String

targetTemplateName = CStr(Trim(mapParams(2)))

If targetTemplateName = "" Then
Err.Raise vbError, "", "Target template is not specified"
End If

GetReplaceSheetFormat = targetTemplateName
Exit Function

End If


Err.Raise vbError, "", "Failed find the sheet format mathing current sheet"

End Function

Sub ReplaceSheetFormat(draw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc, sheet As SldWorks.sheet, targetSheetFormatFile As String)

Debug.Print "Replacing '" & sheet.GetName() & "' with '" & targetSheetFormatFile & "'"

Dim vProps As Variant
vProps = sheet.GetProperties()

Dim paperSize As Integer
Dim templateType As Integer
Dim scale1 As Double
Dim scale2 As Double
Dim firstAngle As Boolean
Dim width As Double
Dim height As Double
Dim custPrpView As String

paperSize = CInt(vProps(0))
templateType = CInt(vProps(1))
scale1 = CDbl(vProps(2))
scale2 = CDbl(vProps(3))
firstAngle = CBool(vProps(4))
width = CDbl(vProps(5))
height = CDbl(vProps(6))
custPrpView = sheet.CustomPropertyView

If False <> draw.SetupSheet5(sheet.GetName(), paperSize, templateType, scale1, scale2, firstAngle, targetSheetFormatFile, width, height, custPrpView, REMOVE_MODIFIED_NOTES) Then
If sheet.ReloadTemplate(Not REMOVE_MODIFIED_NOTES) <> swReloadTemplateResult_e.swReloadTemplate_Success Then
Err.Raise vbError, "", "Failed to reload sheet format"
End If
Err.Raise vbError, "", "Failed to set the sheet format"
End If

End Sub