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Find intersection points and topology entities by ray intersection SOLIDWORKS model

This VBA macro example demonstrates how to find the intersection points and the corresponding topology entities between all solid bodies of the active SOLIDWORKS part document and rays created from the sketch points of the selected sketch.

How To Run The Macro

  • Open or create a part document with visible solid bodies.

  • Create 2D sketch with sketch points. Sketch points will be used as the starting points of the ray. And the sketch normal will be used as the direction for the rays

  • Select the sketch above

  • Run the macro. Macro will find all the intersections and pause on every found result

    • Macro will output the information about each ray into the VBA Immediate Window. Information includes the name of the body, ray information (starting point and direction), and intersection type as defined in swRayPtsResults_e

      Ray intersection information

    • Macro will select the corresponding entity (face or edge) which ray has hit. The selection point will indicate the point where the ray hit the entity

    • Continue macro with F5 or Run button in VBA editor to iterate all results

      Ray intersection entities

Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Const HIT_RADIUS As Double = 0.00000001

Sub main()

Set swApp = Application.SldWorks

Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim swPart As SldWorks.PartDoc

Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
Set swPart = swModel

Dim swSelMgr As SldWorks.SelectionMgr
Set swSelMgr = swModel.SelectionManager

Dim swSketch As SldWorks.sketch

If swSelMgr.GetSelectedObjectType3(1, -1) = swSelectType_e.swSelSKETCHES Then
Dim swFeat As SldWorks.Feature
Set swFeat = swSelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1)
Set swSketch = swFeat.GetSpecificFeature2
Err.Raise vbError, "", "Sketch with sketch point rays is not selected"
End If

Dim vRayStartPts As Variant
Dim vRayVecs As Variant

GetRaysFromSketchPoints swSketch, vRayStartPts, vRayVecs

Dim vBodies As Variant
vBodies = swPart.GetBodies2(swBodyType_e.swSolidBody, True)

Dim interCount As Integer
interCount = swModel.Extension.RayIntersections(vBodies, vRayStartPts, vRayVecs, swRayPtsOpts_e.swRayPtsOptsENTRY_EXIT + swRayPtsOpts_e.swRayPtsOptsTOPOLS, HIT_RADIUS, 0, True)

If interCount > 0 Then

Dim vInterPoints As Variant
vInterPoints = swModel.GetRayIntersectionsPoints()

Dim vInterTopol As Variant
vInterTopol = swModel.GetRayIntersectionsTopology

Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To interCount - 1

Dim bodyIndex As Integer
Dim rayIndex As Integer
Dim interType As Integer
Dim dHitPt(2) As Double

bodyIndex = CInt(vInterPoints(i * 9))
rayIndex = CInt(vInterPoints(i * 9 + 1))
interType = CInt(vInterPoints(i * 9 + 2))

dHitPt(0) = CDbl(vInterPoints(i * 9 + 3))
dHitPt(1) = CDbl(vInterPoints(i * 9 + 4))
dHitPt(2) = CDbl(vInterPoints(i * 9 + 5))

Dim swEnt As SldWorks.Entity
Set swEnt = vInterTopol(i)

Debug.Print "Intersecting body: " & vBodies(bodyIndex).Name
Debug.Print "Intersecting ray: [" & vRayStartPts(rayIndex * 3) & ";" & vRayStartPts(rayIndex * 3 + 1) & ";" & vRayStartPts(rayIndex * 3 + 2) & "] - [" & vRayVecs(rayIndex * 3) & ";" & vRayVecs(rayIndex * 3 + 1) & ";" & vRayVecs(rayIndex * 3 + 2) & "]"
Debug.Print "Intersection type: " & interType

Dim swSelData As SldWorks.SelectData
Set swSelData = swSelMgr.CreateSelectData

swSelData.X = dHitPt(0)
swSelData.Y = dHitPt(1)
swSelData.Z = dHitPt(2)

swEnt.Select4 False, swSelData



Err.Raise vbError, "", "No intersections found"
End If

End Sub

Sub GetRaysFromSketchPoints(sketch As SldWorks.sketch, rayStartPts As Variant, rayVecs As Variant)

If False = sketch.Is3D() Then

Dim dRayStartPts() As Double
Dim dRayVecs() As Double

Dim vSkPoints As Variant
vSkPoints = sketch.GetSketchPoints2

If Not IsEmpty(vSkPoints) Then

Dim swTransform As SldWorks.MathTransform
Set swTransform = sketch.ModelToSketchTransform.Inverse

Dim swMathUtils As SldWorks.MathUtility
Set swMathUtils = swApp.GetMathUtility

Dim dVec(2) As Double
dVec(0) = 0: dVec(1) = 0: dVec(2) = 1

Dim swMathVec As SldWorks.MathVector
Set swMathVec = swMathUtils.CreateVector(dVec)
Set swMathVec = swMathVec.MultiplyTransform(swTransform)

ReDim dRayStartPts((UBound(vSkPoints) + 1) * 3 - 1)
ReDim dRayVecs((UBound(vSkPoints) + 1) * 3 - 1)

Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To UBound(vSkPoints)

Dim swMathPt As SldWorks.MathPoint
Dim dPt(2) As Double

Dim swSkPt As SldWorks.SketchPoint
Set swSkPt = vSkPoints(i)
dPt(0) = swSkPt.X: dPt(1) = swSkPt.Y: dPt(2) = 0

Set swMathPt = swMathUtils.CreatePoint(dPt)
Set swMathPt = swMathPt.MultiplyTransform(swTransform)

Dim vData As Variant
vData = swMathPt.ArrayData

dRayStartPts(i * 3) = vData(0)
dRayStartPts(i * 3 + 1) = vData(1)
dRayStartPts(i * 3 + 2) = vData(2)

vData = swMathVec.ArrayData

dRayVecs(i * 3) = vData(0)
dRayVecs(i * 3 + 1) = vData(1)
dRayVecs(i * 3 + 2) = vData(2)


rayStartPts = dRayStartPts
rayVecs = dRayVecs

Err.Raise vbError, "", "No sketch points in the specified sketch"
End If

Err.Raise vbError, "", "Only 2D sketch can be used for rays"
End If

End Sub