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Macro to save active drawing as PDF file into selected output folder and close drawing

This VBA macro performs the following steps with the active SOLIDWORKS drawing:

  • Shows Browse For Folder dialog to select the output folder for the PDF file
  • Saves the active drawing as PDF file into the folder selected in the previous step. File name of the PDF will be the same as file name of the drawing
  • If the original drawing was modified, macro saves the changes
  • Closes the active SOLIDWORKS drawing document
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks

Sub main()

Set swApp = Application.SldWorks

Dim swDraw As SldWorks.ModelDoc2

Set swDraw = swApp.ActiveDoc

If swDraw Is Nothing Then
Err.Raise vbError, "", "Open drawing"
End If

If swDraw.GetType() = swDocumentTypes_e.swDocDRAWING Then

Dim outFolder As String
outFolder = BrowseForFolder()

If Right(outFolder, 1) = "\" Then
outFolder = Left(outFolder, Len(outFolder) - 1)
End If

If outFolder <> "" Then

Dim outFileName As String
outFileName = GetFileNameWithoutExtension(swDraw.GetPathName()) & ".pdf"

Dim outFilePath As String
outFilePath = outFolder & "\" & outFileName

Dim errs As Long
Dim warns As Long

If False = swDraw.Extension.SaveAs(outFilePath, swSaveAsVersion_e.swSaveAsCurrentVersion, swSaveAsOptions_e.swSaveAsOptions_Silent, Nothing, errs, warns) Then
Err.Raise vbError, "", "Failed to export PDF to " & outFile
End If

If False <> swDraw.GetSaveFlag() Then
If False = swDraw.Save3(swSaveAsOptions_e.swSaveAsOptions_Silent, errs, warns) Then
Err.Raise vbError, "", "Failed to save drawing"
End If
End If

swApp.CloseDoc swDraw.GetTitle

End If
Err.Raise vbError, "", "Active document is not a drawing"
End If

End Sub

Function GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath As String) As String
GetFileNameWithoutExtension = Mid(filePath, InStrRev(filePath, "\") + 1, InStrRev(filePath, ".") - InStrRev(filePath, "\") - 1)
End Function

Function BrowseForFolder(Optional title As String = "Select Folder") As String

Dim shellApp As Object

Set shellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")

Dim folder As Object
Set folder = shellApp.BrowseForFolder(0, title, 0)

If Not folder Is Nothing Then
BrowseForFolder = folder.Self.Path
End If

End Function