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Create temp toroidal sheet body using SOLIDWORKS modeler API

Toroidal sheet body

This example demonstrates how to create a sheet body from the toroidal surface using SOLIDWORKS API.

Geometry is created using the IModeler::CreateToroidalSurface SOLIDWORKS API method.

Run the macro and temp body is displayed. Body can be rotated and selected but it is not presented in the feature tree. Continue the macro execution to destroy the body.

Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim swModeler As SldWorks.Modeler

Sub main()

Set swApp = Application.SldWorks

Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc

If Not swModel Is Nothing Then

Set swModeler = swApp.GetModeler

Dim dCenter(2) As Double
Dim dAxis(2) As Double
Dim dRef(2) As Double

Const MAJOR_RADIUS As Double = 0.1
Const MINOR_RADIUS As Double = 0.05

dCenter(0) = 0: dCenter(1) = 0: dCenter(2) = 0
dAxis(0) = 0: dAxis(1) = 0: dAxis(2) = 1
dRef(0) = 1: dRef(1) = 0: dRef(2) = 0

Dim swSurf As SldWorks.Surface
Set swSurf = swModeler.CreateToroidalSurface(dCenter, dAxis, dRef, MAJOR_RADIUS, MINOR_RADIUS)

Dim swBody As SldWorks.Body2
Dim swCurve(0) As SldWorks.Curve
Set swBody = swSurf.CreateTrimmedSheet(swCurve)

swBody.Display3 swModel, RGB(255, 255, 0), swTempBodySelectOptions_e.swTempBodySelectable

Stop 'continue to hide the body

Set swBody = Nothing

MsgBox "Please open part document"
End If

End Sub