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Extract selection from boss-extrude feature using SOLIDWORKS API

This C# VSTA macro extracts the information about the selection entities specified in the From Entity, End Condition and Direction selection boxes in the Boss-Extrude feature definition using SOLIDWORKS API.

Boss-Extrude feature property manager page

Extracted data is output to the Output Window of VSTA Editor in the following format.

From Entity: Yes [swSelFACES]
End Condition (Direction 1): No
End Condition (Direction 2): No
Direction (Direction 1): Yes [swSelSKETCHSEGS]
Direction (Direction 2): No
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace GetExtrudeFeatureSelection.csproj
public partial class SolidWorksMacro
public void Main()
IModelDoc2 model = swApp.IActiveDoc2;

if (model != null)
IFeature feat = model.ISelectionManager.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1) as IFeature;

if (feat != null)
IExtrudeFeatureData2 featData = feat.GetDefinition() as IExtrudeFeatureData2;

if (featData != null)
if (featData.AccessSelections(model, null))
object fromEntity;
int fromEntType;
featData.GetFromEntity(out fromEntity, out fromEntType);

Debug.Print(string.Format("From Entity: {0}",
fromEntity != null ? string.Format("Yes [{0}]", (swSelectType_e)fromEntType) : "No"));

int endCondRefType;
object endCondRef = featData.GetEndConditionReference(true, out endCondRefType);

Debug.Print(string.Format("End Condition (Direction 1): {0}",
endCondRef != null ? string.Format("Yes [{0}]", (swSelectType_e)endCondRef) : "No"));

endCondRef = featData.GetEndConditionReference(false, out endCondRefType);

Debug.Print(string.Format("End Condition (Direction 2): {0}",
endCondRef != null ? string.Format("Yes [{0}]", (swSelectType_e)endCondRef) : "No"));

object firstDirDirRef;
int firstDirDirRefType;
object secondDirDirRef;
int secondDirDirRefType;

featData.GetDirectionReference(out firstDirDirRef, out firstDirDirRefType, out secondDirDirRef, out secondDirDirRefType);

Debug.Print(string.Format("Direction (Direction 1): {0}",
firstDirDirRef != null ? string.Format("Yes [{0}]", (swSelectType_e)firstDirDirRefType) : "No"));

Debug.Print(string.Format("Direction (Direction 2): {0}",
secondDirDirRef != null ? string.Format("Yes [{0}]", (swSelectType_e)secondDirDirRefType) : "No"));

throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to access feature selection");
throw new InvalidCastException("Selected feature is not Boss-Extrude");
throw new NullReferenceException("Select feature");
throw new NullReferenceException("Open model");

public SldWorks swApp;