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Dimension named model entities in drawing view using SOLIDWORKS API

Similar to Assembly Context there is drawing context. Pointer to the entity may exist in underlying model context and in the drawing view context.

When entities from the underlying model context (i.e. from part or assembly) need to be selected in the drawing view (for example for the dimensioning purposes), IView::SelectEntity SOLIDWORKS API method could be called. SOLIDWORKS will automatically find the corresponding entity pointer in the drawing view and select it.

This example demonstrates how to add the linear dimension between two named edges (Edge1 and Edge2) from the underlying part model using SOLIDWORKS API. The entities can be named via the following property dialog:

Edge property name{ width=350 }

As the result the dimension is added between the edges.

Dimension between 2 named edges{ width=250 }

Location of the dimension is found as a middle point of the line drawn between two middle points of the dimensioned edges. Unlike drawing in sheet context, drawing sheet scale is not required to be multiplied to the view transformation matrix when positioning the dimensions.

Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks

Sub main()

Set swApp = Application.SldWorks

Dim swDraw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc

Set swDraw = swApp.ActiveDoc

If Not swDraw Is Nothing Then

Dim swView As SldWorks.view
Set swView = swDraw.SelectionManager.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1)

If Not swView Is Nothing Then
DimensionNamedEdges "Edge1", "Edge2", swDraw, swView
MsgBox "Please select drawing view"
End If
MsgBox "Please open the drawing document"
End If

End Sub

Function DimensionNamedEdges(firstEdgeName As String, secondEdgeName As String, draw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc, view As SldWorks.view)

Dim swRefPart As SldWorks.PartDoc
Set swRefPart = view.ReferencedDocument

Dim swFirstEdge As SldWorks.edge
Set swFirstEdge = swRefPart.GetEntityByName(firstEdgeName, swSelectType_e.swSelEDGES)

Dim swSecondEdge As SldWorks.edge
Set swSecondEdge = swRefPart.GetEntityByName(secondEdgeName, swSelectType_e.swSelEDGES)

If swFirstEdge Is Nothing Or swSecondEdge Is Nothing Then
Err.Raise vbError, "", "Failed to find edge by name"
End If

If False = view.SelectEntity(swFirstEdge, False) Or False = view.SelectEntity(swSecondEdge, True) Then
Err.Raise vbError, "", "Failed to select edges in the drawing view"
End If

Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Set swModel = draw

Dim vDimLoc As Variant
vDimLoc = GetDimensionLocation(swFirstEdge, swSecondEdge, view)

swModel.AddDimension2 vDimLoc(0), vDimLoc(1), vDimLoc(2)

End Function

Function GetDimensionLocation(firstEdge As SldWorks.edge, secondEdge As SldWorks.edge, view As SldWorks.view) As Variant

Dim vFirstPt As Variant
vFirstPt = GetEdgeMidPoint(firstEdge, view)

Dim vSecondPt As Variant
vSecondPt = GetEdgeMidPoint(secondEdge, view)

Dim dLoc(2) As Double
dLoc(0) = (vFirstPt(0) + vSecondPt(0)) / 2
dLoc(1) = (vFirstPt(1) + vSecondPt(1)) / 2
dLoc(2) = (vFirstPt(2) + vSecondPt(2)) / 2

GetDimensionLocation = dLoc

End Function

Function GetEdgeMidPoint(edge As SldWorks.edge, view As SldWorks.view) As Variant

Dim vStartPt As Variant
vStartPt = edge.GetStartVertex().GetPoint

Dim vEndPt As Variant
vEndPt = edge.GetEndVertex().GetPoint

Dim vMidPt(2) As Double
vMidPt(0) = (vStartPt(0) + vEndPt(0)) / 2
vMidPt(1) = (vStartPt(1) + vEndPt(1)) / 2
vMidPt(2) = (vStartPt(2) + vEndPt(2)) / 2

Dim swViewXForm As SldWorks.MathTransform
Set swViewXForm = view.ModelToViewTransform

Dim swMathUtils As SldWorks.MathUtility
Set swMathUtils = swApp.GetMathUtility

Dim swMathPt As SldWorks.MathPoint
Set swMathPt = swMathUtils.CreatePoint(vMidPt)

Set swMathPt = swMathPt.MultiplyTransform(swViewXForm)

GetEdgeMidPoint = swMathPt.ArrayData

End Function