Add equation to dimension using SOLIDWORKS API
This example will modify the value of the selected dimension and sets its value to be equal to the equation using SOLIDWORKS API:
sin(0.5) * 2 + (10 - 5)
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IEquationMgr SOLIDWORKS API interface should be used to manage equations in SOLIDWORKS document.
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim swSelMgr As SldWorks.SelectionMgr
Dim swEqMgr As SldWorks.EquationMgr
Const EQUATION = "sin(0.5) * 2 + (10 - 5)"
Sub main()
Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
If Not swModel Is Nothing Then
Set swSelMgr = swModel.SelectionManager
Dim swDispDim As SldWorks.DisplayDimension
Set swDispDim = swSelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1)
If Not swDispDim Is Nothing Then
Set swEqMgr = swModel.GetEquationMgr
Dim formula As String
formula = """" & swDispDim.GetNameForSelection & """ = " & EQUATION
swEqMgr.Add2 -1, formula, True
MsgBox "Please select dimension"
End If
MsgBox "Please open model"
End If
End Sub