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SOLIDWORKS VBA macro to compose flat BOM table using API

Bill Of Materials{ width=250 }

This example demonstrates how to compose flat (top level only) Bill Of Materials table from the assembly tree using SOLIDWORKS API.

Bill Of Materials position includes the following columns:

  • Model Path
  • Model Configuration
  • Description (custom property)
  • Price (custom property)
  • Quantity (calculated)

The composed BOM is output to the immediate window of VBA editor:

BOM Table printed in the immediate window{ width=250 }

It is not required to have a BOM Table inserted for this macro to work.

Type BomPosition
ModelPath As String
Configuration As String
Quantity As Double
Description As String
Price As Double
End Type

Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks

Sub Main()

Set swApp = Application.SldWorks

Dim swAssy As SldWorks.AssemblyDoc

Set swAssy = swApp.ActiveDoc

If Not swAssy Is Nothing Then

swAssy.ResolveAllLightWeightComponents True

Dim bom() As BomPosition
bom = GetFlatBom(swAssy)

Dim i As Integer
Debug.Print "Path" & vbTab & "Configuration" & vbTab & "Description" & vbTab & "Price" & vbTab & "Qty"

For i = 0 To UBound(bom)
Debug.Print bom(i).ModelPath & vbTab & bom(i).Configuration & vbTab & bom(i).Description & vbTab & bom(i).Price & vbTab & bom(i).Quantity

MsgBox "Please open assembly"
End If

End Sub

Function GetFlatBom(assy As SldWorks.AssemblyDoc) As BomPosition()

Dim bom() As BomPosition

Dim vComps As Variant
vComps = assy.GetComponents(False)

Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To UBound(vComps)

Dim swComp As SldWorks.Component2
Set swComp = vComps(i)

If swComp.GetSuppression() <> swComponentSuppressionState_e.swComponentSuppressed And Not swComp.ExcludeFromBOM Then

Dim bomPos As Integer
bomPos = FindBomPosition(bom, swComp)

If bomPos = -1 Then

If (Not bom) = -1 Then
ReDim bom(0)
ReDim Preserve bom(UBound(bom) + 1)
End If

bomPos = UBound(bom)

bom(bomPos).ModelPath = swComp.GetPathName()
bom(bomPos).Configuration = swComp.ReferencedConfiguration
bom(bomPos).Quantity = 1

GetProperties swComp, bom(bomPos).Description, bom(bomPos).Price

bom(bomPos).Quantity = bom(bomPos).Quantity + 1
End If

End If


GetFlatBom = bom

End Function

Function FindBomPosition(bom() As BomPosition, comp As SldWorks.Component2) As Integer

FindBomPosition = -1

If (Not bom) <> -1 Then
Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To UBound(bom)
If LCase(bom(i).ModelPath) = LCase(comp.GetPathName()) And LCase(bom(i).Configuration) = LCase(comp.ReferencedConfiguration) Then
FindBomPosition = i
Exit Function
End If
End If

End Function

Sub GetProperties(comp As SldWorks.Component2, ByRef desc As String, ByRef prc As Double)

Dim swCompModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Set swCompModel = comp.GetModelDoc2()

If swCompModel Is Nothing Then
Err.Raise vbError, "", "Failed to get model from the component"
End If

desc = GetPropertyValue(swCompModel, comp.ReferencedConfiguration, "Description")

Dim prcTxt As String
prcTxt = GetPropertyValue(swCompModel, comp.ReferencedConfiguration, "Price")

If prcTxt <> "" Then
prc = CDbl(prcTxt)
End If

End Sub

Function GetPropertyValue(model As SldWorks.ModelDoc2, conf As String, prpName As String) As String

Dim confSpecPrpMgr As SldWorks.CustomPropertyManager
Dim genPrpMgr As SldWorks.CustomPropertyManager

Set confSpecPrpMgr = model.Extension.CustomPropertyManager(conf)
Set genPrpMgr = model.Extension.CustomPropertyManager("")

Dim prpVal As String
Dim prpResVal As String

confSpecPrpMgr.Get3 prpName, False, "", prpVal

If prpVal = "" Then
genPrpMgr.Get3 prpName, False, prpVal, prpResVal
End If

GetPropertyValue = prpResVal

End Function