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SOLIDWORKS Macro shows selected assembly component in the Window folder

This macro demonstrates how to open the folder of the selected component in the assembly in the Windows File Explorer using SOLIDWORKS API.

The component's file will be preselected in the opened window.

This macro will produce similar results to the following manual steps:

  1. Open component in its own window
  2. Go to File Menu
  3. Select the file from the Open Recent
  4. Select "Show In Folder" option

Open Recent file menu command{ width=320 height=69 }

If none of the components selected then the path of active model will be opened.

Watch video demonstration

Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim swSelMgr As SldWorks.SelectionMgr
Dim swComp As SldWorks.Component2

Sub main()

On Error Resume Next

Set swApp = Application.SldWorks

Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc

If Not swModel Is Nothing Then

Set swSelMgr = swModel.SelectionManager

Set swComp = swSelMgr.GetSelectedObjectsComponent3(1, -1)

Dim path As String

If Not swComp Is Nothing Then
path = swComp.GetPathName
path = swModel.GetPathName
End If

If path <> "" Then
Shell "explorer.exe /select, " & """" & path & """"
MsgBox "Model is not saved"
End If

MsgBox "Please open assembly document and select the component"
End If

End Sub