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Read summary information from file using SOLIDWORKS API

Summary Information of SOLIDWORKS file{ width=500 }

This VBA macro extracts the data from the Summary Information tab from custom properties of the active SOLIDWORKS document using SOLIDWORKS API. This information includes author, keywords, comments, title, creation info, last saved info.

This macro additionally extracts the SOLIDWORKS version the file was created in.

Result is output to the immediate window of VBA editor in the following format:

Author: CodeStack
Keywords: sample,summary,api
Comments: Example comments
Title: Summary API Example
Subject: CodeStack API Examples
Created: Tuesday, 10 September 2019 10:35:37 AM
Last Saved: Tuesday, 10 September 2019 11:08:23 AM
Last Saved By: artem.taturevych
Last Saved With: SOLIDWORKS 2019
Created With: SOLIDWORKS 2012
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks

Sub main()

Set swApp = Application.SldWorks

Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2

Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc

If Not swModel Is Nothing Then

Dim vHistory As Variant
vHistory = swModel.VersionHistory()

Debug.Print "Author: " & swModel.SummaryInfo(swSummInfoField_e.swSumInfoAuthor)
Debug.Print "Keywords: " & swModel.SummaryInfo(swSummInfoField_e.swSumInfoKeywords)
Debug.Print "Comments: " & swModel.SummaryInfo(swSummInfoField_e.swSumInfoComment)
Debug.Print "Title: " & swModel.SummaryInfo(swSummInfoField_e.swSumInfoTitle)
Debug.Print "Subject: " & swModel.SummaryInfo(swSummInfoField_e.swSumInfoSubject)

Debug.Print "Created: " & swModel.SummaryInfo(swSummInfoField_e.swSumInfoCreateDate2)
Debug.Print "Last Saved: " & swModel.SummaryInfo(swSummInfoField_e.swSumInfoSaveDate2)
Debug.Print "Last Saved By: " & swModel.SummaryInfo(swSummInfoField_e.swSumInfoSavedBy)
Debug.Print "Last Saved With: " & ConvertFileVersionToSwMajorVersion(ExtractSwRevisonFromHistoryRecord(CStr(vHistory(UBound(vHistory)))))
Debug.Print "Created With: " & ConvertFileVersionToSwMajorVersion(ExtractSwRevisonFromHistoryRecord(CStr(vHistory(0))))

Err.Raise vbError, "", "Please open model"
End If

End Sub

Function ExtractSwRevisonFromHistoryRecord(fileVers As String) As String

ExtractSwRevisonFromHistoryRecord = Left(fileVers, InStr(fileVers, "[") - 1)

End Function

Function ConvertFileVersionToSwMajorVersion(versNumber As Integer) As String

Dim swVersMajor As String

If versNumber >= 5000 Then
swVersMajor = 2012 + (versNumber - 5000) / 1000
Select Case versNumber
Case 44
swVersMajor = 95
Case 243
swVersMajor = 96
Case 483
swVersMajor = 97
Case 629
swVersMajor = "97Plus"
Case 822
swVersMajor = 98
Case 1008
swVersMajor = "98Plus"
Case 1137
swVersMajor = 99
Case 1500
swVersMajor = 2000
Case 1750
swVersMajor = 2001
Case 1950
swVersMajor = "2001Plus"
Case 2200
swVersMajor = 2003
Case 2500
swVersMajor = 2004
Case 2800
swVersMajor = 2005
Case 3100
swVersMajor = 2006
Case 3400
swVersMajor = 2007
Case 3800
swVersMajor = 2008
Case 4100
swVersMajor = 2009
Case 4400
swVersMajor = 2010
Case 4700
swVersMajor = 2011
End Select
End If

ConvertFileVersionToSwMajorVersion = "SOLIDWORKS " & swVersMajor

End Function