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Render tetrahedron using OpenGL and handle view display modes using SOLIDWORKS API

This example demonstrates how to render the tetrahedron geometry using OpenGL graphics and handle the different display modes (shaded, shaded with edges, hlr, hlv, wireframe).

Once add-in is compiled, tetrahedron will be rendered in each newly opened or created 3D model (part or assembly).

Change display modes in the heads up menu of SOLIDWORKS model view to see the graphics updated.

Display modes in SOLIDWORKS model view{ width=350 }

Display Modes

Shaded with edges

Achieved by rendering two layers of graphics: filled triangles and not filled lines on top of the triangles.

Shaded with edges display mode{ width=200 }


Achieved by rendering the triangles

Shaded{ width=200 }

Hidden lines removed

Achieved by rendering triangles with polygon mode set to lines.

Hidden lines removed display mode{ width=200 }

Hidden lines visible

Achieved by rendering dashed line in lines mode

Hidden lines visible display mode{ width=200 }


Achieved by rendering graphics in lines mode

Wireframe display mode{ width=200 }

Source code can be downloaded from GitHub


This the add-in entry point. SwEx.AddIn framework is used to manage documents lifecycle by providing the wrapper class.

Imports CodeStack.SwEx.AddIn
Imports CodeStack.SwEx.AddIn.Attributes
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

<ComVisible(True), Guid("A28F5BB7-E468-48B6-9BBD-9E7A31FF8CC8")>
<AutoRegister("OpenGL Box Tetrahedron")>
Public Class AddIn
Inherits SwAddInEx

Public Overrides Function OnConnect() As Boolean
CreateDocumentsHandler(Of OpenGlDocumentHandler)()
Return True
End Function
End Class


This is a handler class for each model document which subscribes to the OpenGL Buffer Swap notification provided by SOLIDWORKS and performs the calculation of tetrahedron triangle coordinates and renders the geometry.

Imports CodeStack.SwEx.AddIn.Base
Imports SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks
Imports System.Drawing
Imports SolidWorks.Interop.swconst
Imports CodeStack.OglTetrahedron.OpenGl

Public Class OpenGlDocumentHandler
Implements IDocumentHandler

ReadOnly m_FaceColor As Color = Color.Green
ReadOnly m_EdgeColor As Color = Color.Black

Dim m_MathUtils As IMathUtility
Dim m_Model As IModelDoc2
Dim m_View As ModelView

Public Sub Init(ByVal app As ISldWorks, ByVal model As IModelDoc2) Implements IDocumentHandler.Init

m_MathUtils = app.IGetMathUtility
m_Model = model
m_View = model.IActiveView

If m_View IsNot Nothing Then
AddHandler m_View.BufferSwapNotify, AddressOf OnBufferSwapNotify
End If

End Sub

Private Function OnBufferSwapNotify() As Integer

Dim a As Double() = New Double() {0, 0, 0}
Dim b As Double() = New Double() {1, 0, 0}
Dim c As Double() = New Double() {0.5, Math.Sqrt(3) / 2, 0}
Dim d As Double() = New Double() {0.5, Math.Sqrt(3) / 6, Math.Sqrt(6) / 3}

Select Case CType(m_View.DisplayMode, swViewDisplayMode_e)
Case swViewDisplayMode_e.swViewDisplayMode_ShadedWithEdges
DrawTetrahedron(m_FaceColor, True, False, False, 3.0F)
DrawTetrahedron(m_EdgeColor, True, True, False, 3.0F)
Case swViewDisplayMode_e.swViewDisplayMode_Shaded
DrawTetrahedron(m_FaceColor, True, False, False, 3.0F)
Case swViewDisplayMode_e.swViewDisplayMode_HiddenLinesRemoved '
DrawTetrahedron(m_EdgeColor, False, False, False, 3.0F)
Case swViewDisplayMode_e.swViewDisplayMode_HiddenLinesGrayed '
DrawTetrahedron(m_EdgeColor, True, True, True, 1.0F)
Case swViewDisplayMode_e.swViewDisplayMode_Wireframe
DrawTetrahedron(m_EdgeColor, True, True, False, 3.0F)
End Select

Dim pt1 As IMathPoint = m_MathUtils.CreatePoint(New Double() {0, 0, 0})
Dim pt2 As IMathPoint = m_MathUtils.CreatePoint(New Double() {1, 1, 1})

m_Model.Extension.SetVisibleBox(pt1, pt2)

Return 0

End Function

Private Sub DrawTetrahedron(color As Color, fill As Boolean, wireframe As Boolean, dashed As Boolean, width As Single)

Dim a As Double() = New Double() {0, 0, 0}
Dim b As Double() = New Double() {1, 0, 0}
Dim c As Double() = New Double() {0.5, Math.Sqrt(3) / 2, 0}
Dim d As Double() = New Double() {0.5, Math.Sqrt(3) / 6, Math.Sqrt(6) / 3}

DrawTriangle(a, c, b, color, fill, wireframe, dashed, width)
DrawTriangle(a, d, c, color, fill, wireframe, dashed, width)
DrawTriangle(c, d, b, color, fill, wireframe, dashed, width)
DrawTriangle(d, a, b, color, fill, wireframe, dashed, width)

End Sub

Private Sub DrawTriangle(a() As Double, b() As Double, c() As Double, color As Color, fill As Boolean, wireframe As Boolean, dashed As Boolean, width As Single)

glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, IIf(fill, GL_FILL, GL_LINE))


If wireframe Then


If dashed Then
glLineStipple(4, &HAAAA)
End If

End If

glBegin(IIf(wireframe, GL_LINE_LOOP, GL_TRIANGLES))

If wireframe Then
End If

glColor4f(color.R / 255.0F, color.G / 255.0F, color.B / 255.0F, color.A / 255.0F)
glVertex3d(a(0), a(1), a(2))
glVertex3d(b(0), b(1), b(2))
glVertex3d(c(0), c(1), c(2))



End Sub

Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
If m_View IsNot Nothing Then
RemoveHandler m_View.BufferSwapNotify, AddressOf OnBufferSwapNotify
End If
End Sub

End Class


List of imports for OpenGL functions.

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Public Class OpenGl

Public Shared Sub glBegin(ByVal mode As UInteger)
End Sub

Public Shared Sub glEnd()
End Sub

Public Shared Sub glVertex3d(ByVal x As Double, ByVal y As Double, ByVal z As Double)
End Sub

Public Shared Sub glDisable(ByVal cap As UInteger)
End Sub

Public Shared Sub glColor4f(ByVal R As Single, ByVal G As Single, ByVal B As Single, ByVal A As Single)
End Sub

Public Shared Sub glEnable(ByVal cap As UInteger)
End Sub

Public Shared Sub glPolygonMode(ByVal face As UInteger, ByVal mode As UInteger)
End Sub

Public Shared Sub glLineWidth(ByVal width As Single)
End Sub

Public Shared Sub glLineStipple(ByVal factor As Integer, ByVal pattern As UShort)
End Sub

Public Const GL_FRONT_AND_BACK As Integer = &H408
Public Const GL_LINE As UInteger = &H1B01
Public Const GL_FILL As UInteger = &H1B02

Public Const GL_TRIANGLES As UInteger = &H4
Public Const GL_LINE_LOOP As UInteger = &H2
Public Const GL_LIGHTING As UInteger = &HB50
Public Const GL_LINE_SMOOTH As UInteger = &HB20
Public Const GL_LINE_STIPPLE As UInteger = &HB24

End Class