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Troubleshoot SOLIDWORKS add-in developed with SwEx framework

SwEx framework outputs the trace messages which simpifies the troubleshooting process. The messages are output to the default trace listener.

If add-in is debugged from Visual studio than the messages are output to Visual studio Output tab as shown below:

Trace messages in the output window of Visual Studio{ width=450 }

Otherwise messages can be traced via DebugView utility by Microsoft

  • Download the utility from the link above
  • Unzip the package and run Dbgview.exe
  • Set the settings as marked below:

Enable Capture Win32 and Capture Events options from the toolbar (marked in red)

Trace settings in the DebugView utility toolbar{ width=450 }

Alternatively set the capture options via menu as shown below:

Trace settings in the DebugView utility menu{ width=350 }

Set the filter to filter SwEx messages by clicking the filter button (marked in green)

Trace settings filter in the DebugView utility{ width=350 }

Messages will be output to trace window

Trace messages in the debug view{ width=450 }

Use eraser button to clean messages (marked in blue)


  • Trace output is very powerful tool for troubleshooting the add-in on clients computers
  • DebugView tool is lightweight and doesn't require installation and is provided by Microsoft
  • Trace messages will be also output in the release mode
  • SwEx framework will output the exception details if thrown while loading of the add-in which can help solving the problem when add-in cannot be loaded

Custom messages and exceptions can be logged from SwEx module. Follow this link for more information.