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Overview of SwEx.PMPage framework for SOLIDWORKS API

Property Manager Page driven by data model{ width=250 }

Data model

Start by defining the data model required to be filled by property manager page.

Public Class DataModelSimple
Public Property Text As String
Public Property Size As Integer = 48
Public Property Number As Double = 10.5
End Class
public class DataModelSimple
public string Text { get; set; }
public int Size { get; set; } = 48;
public double Number { get; set; } = 10.5;

Use properties with public getters and setters

Events handler

Create handler for property manager page by inheriting the public class from PropertyManagerPageHandlerEx class.

This class will be instantiated by the framework and will allow handling the property manager specific events from the add-in.

Public Class MyPMPageHandler
Inherits PropertyManagerPageHandlerEx
End Class
public class MyPMPageHandler : PropertyManagerPageHandlerEx

Class must be com visible and have public parameterless constructor.

Ignoring members

If it is required to exclude the members in the data model from control generation such members should be decorated with IgnoreBindingAttribute

Public Class DataModelIgnore
Public Property Text As String

Public Property CalculatedField As Integer 'control will not be generated for this field
End Class
public class DataModelIgnore
public string Text { get; set; }

public int CalculatedField { get; set; } //control will not be generated for this field

Creating instance

Create instance of the property manager page by passing the type of the handler and data model instance into the generic arguments

Data model can contain predefined (default) values. Framework will automatically use this values in the corresponding controls.

Private m_Page As PropertyManagerPageEx(Of MyPMPageHandler, DataModel)
Private m_Data As DataModel = New DataModel()

Private Enum Commands_e
End Enum

Public Overrides Function OnConnect() As Boolean
m_Page = New PropertyManagerPageEx(Of MyPMPageHandler, DataModel)(App)
AddCommandGroup(Of Commands_e)(AddressOf ShowPmpPage)
Return True
End Function

Private Sub ShowPmpPage(cmd As Commands_e)
AddHandler m_Page.Handler.Closed, AddressOf OnPageClosed
End Sub

Private Sub OnPageClosed(ByVal reason As swPropertyManagerPageCloseReasons_e)
Debug.Print($"Text: {m_Data.Simple.Text}")
Debug.Print($"Size: {m_Data.Simple.Size}")
Debug.Print($"Number: {m_Data.Simple.Number}")
End Sub
private PropertyManagerPageEx<MyPMPageHandler, DataModel> m_Page;
private DataModel m_Data = new DataModel();

private enum Commands_e

public override bool OnConnect()
m_Page = new PropertyManagerPageEx<MyPMPageHandler, DataModel>(App);
return true;

private void ShowPmpPage(Commands_e cmd)
m_Page.Handler.Closed += OnPageClosed;

private void OnPageClosed(swPropertyManagerPageCloseReasons_e reason)
Debug.Print($"Text: {m_Data.Simple.Text}");
Debug.Print($"Size: {m_Data.Simple.Size}");
Debug.Print($"Number: {m_Data.Simple.Number}");

Store instance of the data model and the property page in the class variables. This will allow to reuse the data model in the different page instances.