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Managing SOLIDWORKS documents life cycle via SwEx.AddIn framework

SwEx.AddIn frameworks provides utility class to manage document life cycle by creating a specified instance handler as a wrapper of a model.

Call ISwAddInEx.CreateDocumentsHandler method and pass the type of document handler as a generic argument or use a second overload to create a generic document handler which exposes common events (e.g. saving, selection, rebuilding, 3rd party storage access).

Private m_DocHandler As IDocumentsHandler(Of MyDocHandler)
Private m_DocHandlerGeneric As IDocumentsHandler(Of DocumentHandler)

Public Overrides Function OnConnect() As Boolean
m_DocHandler = CreateDocumentsHandler(Of MyDocHandler)()
m_DocHandlerGeneric = CreateDocumentsHandler()
AddHandler m_DocHandlerGeneric.HandlerCreated, AddressOf OnHandlerCreated
Return True
End Function

Private Sub OnHandlerCreated(ByVal doc As DocumentHandler)
'TODO: implement
End Sub
Private m_DocHandler As IDocumentsHandler(Of MyDocHandler)
Private m_DocHandlerGeneric As IDocumentsHandler(Of DocumentHandler)

Public Overrides Function OnConnect() As Boolean
m_DocHandler = CreateDocumentsHandler(Of MyDocHandler)()
m_DocHandlerGeneric = CreateDocumentsHandler()
AddHandler m_DocHandlerGeneric.HandlerCreated, AddressOf OnHandlerCreated
Return True
End Function

Private Sub OnHandlerCreated(ByVal doc As DocumentHandler)
'TODO: implement
End Subwjq in 🌐 nixos-test in solidworks-GPT/docs/codestack-clone on  main via ❄️ impure (postgres-env) ❯ cat ./labs/solidworks/swex/documents-management/DocMgrAddIn.DocHandlerInit.cs
private IDocumentsHandler<MyDocHandler> m_DocHandler;
private IDocumentsHandler<DocumentHandler> m_DocHandlerGeneric;

public override bool OnConnect()
m_DocHandler = CreateDocumentsHandler<MyDocHandler>();
m_DocHandlerGeneric = CreateDocumentsHandler();
m_DocHandlerGeneric.HandlerCreated += OnHandlerCreated;
return true;

private void OnHandlerCreated(DocumentHandler doc)
//TODO: implement

Define the document handler either by implementing the IDocumentHandler interface or DocumentHandler class.

Public Class MyDocHandler
Implements IDocumentHandler

Private m_Model As IModelDoc2

Public Sub Init(ByVal app As ISldWorks, ByVal model As IModelDoc2) Implements IDocumentHandler.Init
If TypeOf model Is PartDoc Then
m_Model = model
AddHandler(TryCast(m_Model, PartDoc)).AddItemNotify, AddressOf OnAddItemNotify
End If
End Sub

Private Function OnAddItemNotify(ByVal EntityType As Integer, ByVal itemName As String) As Integer
Return 0
End Function

Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
If TypeOf m_Model Is PartDoc Then
RemoveHandler(TryCast(m_Model, PartDoc)).AddItemNotify, AddressOf OnAddItemNotify
End If
End Sub

End Class
public class MyDocHandler : IDocumentHandler
private IModelDoc2 m_Model;

public void Init(ISldWorks app, IModelDoc2 model)
if (model is PartDoc)
m_Model = model;
(m_Model as PartDoc).AddItemNotify += OnAddItemNotify;
//TODO: handle other doc types

private int OnAddItemNotify(int EntityType, string itemName)
return 0;

public void Dispose()
if (m_Model is PartDoc)
(m_Model as PartDoc).AddItemNotify -= OnAddItemNotify;

Override methods of document handler and implement required functionality attached for each specific SOLIDWORKS model (such as handle events, load, write data etc.)

Framework will automatically dispose the handler. Unsubscribe from the custom events within the Dispose or OnDestroy method. The pointer to the document attached to the handler is assigned to Model property.