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Creating project in GitHub and inviting collaborators

Below are the steps to setup a repository on GitHub and provide an access to the 3rd party developers:

Creating New Account

Signup to GitHub

  • Enter the registration details

  • Select plan. Check the features of Free plan as this might be sufficient for the scope of your project, but you can also explore other options if necessarily.

  • Verify the account as required

  • Create new repository:

New repository in GitHub

  • Specify the name of the repository. Select Private option for repository visibility to make it only visible for the owner, otherwise it will be visible for everyone:

GitHub repository details

Add Collaborators To The Project:

  • Click on repository
  • Go to Settings tab
  • Select Manage access from the list on the left hand side
  • Click Invite a collaborator button
  • Search for user id to provide access to the repository

Manage GitHub access

  • You can remove collaborator once the project is completed:

Remove GitHub collaborator